Roblox Developer Challenge 2024

If our experience supports more than 5 languages (The max we can put on the survey) can we list them all out in the “other” section?

Just submitted our game, was an absolute rush but we more or less finally made it. It’s a bit short, but I think we did well.

Made by me, @Small_Flapjack, @Decryptables, and @ZDynth.

edit: looks like our thumbnail and icon are still under moderation lol

Yes, feel free to include more in the other section!


With a team of two-my friend and me-we’ve crafted our entry:

Finished our game! Have fun playing :slight_smile:

Credits to: @DylWithlt @RoboGojo @2Ty_e @dodman531


@foodeggs7 bro wake up. It’s time to submit

is that guy like on your team

Here’s our submission!

Credits: @Impulse55467 @ace24682

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why everyone sending their games in this topic

Probably because they want to share.


We are in, good luck to everyone!

anyone know when the results will be posted?

well definetely not in the next 40 minutes as of editing this post

i know that, im just asking to figure it out

If your co-dev doesn’t submit in time you can submit the game yourself, the rules allow any individual on the team to submit

How can I post my game here for showing

i guess when they review all the games

Hey! We’ll update this topic once the winners are announced and the voting topic is open.

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Yes, you may also share your game here if you want.

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where and how can i make my game for voting?