Roblox Developer Challenge 2024

Here is my game, very interesting : )

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Ok, here is what my friend and I made together

No problem, you can update the game until the deadline without needing to submit the survey again.

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Unfortunately my team won’t be able to finish in time, however it has been really fun! Me and my team will still release it once we’re done!

Hello, my first gamejam ever, with my team developed with


hope you guys like it it was made in 48 hours, we poured all of our hearts in it.


Phew! we had some minutes left but we submitted the survey and closed the game for the final time… Good luck to all!!

Made by the amazing team of:

Me! - FoxIsaDev

Made by me, @27_0Glocks, and Sardiception.

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This is my game! Sadly I don’t have any team but I hope I did a good job.

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I never knew the theme were these types of games. I guess my game isn’t unexpected I think. I got a small brain.

This was a lot of fun! It was our first gamejam as a team. :slight_smile:

We created a game about an office that gets stuck in a time loop called ON THE CLOCK! It becomes super chaotic.

Team ZED:


This is our game submission!


(24) Going Home - Roblox


Hello! this is our first GameJam, I hope you enjoy the journey!


We finished our game!

Embark on a journey to explore some of the many beautiful cultures of the world in our game.

Credits: @thebillymanjoe @MasterCatGodsWhyIms @ExoticBloxed


ugh only really had a few ours with my team but hope yall like this cute game about REFLECTING YOUR DAMN TOXIC HABITS… or whatever makes you happy cause do you realize its about you???

An asymmetric game to play with your friends!

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Here’s our game:

Now, this game turned a BUGGY MESS last minute, specially with loads of audios playing in the wrong places due to the asset manager, so don’t worry if some dialogs don’t play / the wrong dialog plays :sweat:


Made by me, @GalaxyGourmet , @CranzXne , and @LazyBoyYOUTUBE



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This is our first Roblox game jam!

Feel free to play our game: Granny's Pie - Roblox

The amazing team behind it: @Enqrypted, @Buzullieq, @yalcin2, @Kunserva1, @Missilenight

It was a lot of fun!

Good luck to everyone!


Our team made this game! (21) Capricious Forecast - Roblox

In this game, you and 3 other people travel to a neighborhood filled with unexpected disasters. You must buy stuff from Tom’s store (I think its called) to protect yourself from the impending weather. Survive as long as you can! Oh, and make sure that the windows don’t break! Oh yeah, if the power goes out…

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