Hopefully they already played your game.
Its taking a lot of time to determine the winners, usually it takes around 10 days
I really hope this is the case. Also, to check what was happening, I opened the place which caused the update date to change. I’ve already sent an email to the address we were given about both these issues yesterday and I haven’t recieved a response yet so I’m nervous obviously
Don’t worry about that. I had the same issue and I got a response after like 3 days
Wait, which one? Accidentally editing the game or the camera bug?
Check out my teams submission if you have not already! We made it in 7 hours haha. Break Loose - Roblox
i found an issue in the orange door, if you get near any of the seats and get seated you’re stuck until you reset lol
Any update on when winners will be revealed?
in the 2024 developer challenge they revealed the winners after almost a month from the end of the challenge so it may be the case here
Hey I’d just like to know, even if we don’t win, is it possible to know/ask what place our game made it to?
I don’t think they place everyone into a rank, they just decide the best in each category
then i guess we could ask what ranking we may have gotten?
i mean, if so many games are being compared surely they’re using something to rate the games like the good ol’ number / 10 or something
last year they had a winner for all of the categories and then around 10 honorable mentions
It will probably be revealed in the next 9-12 days.
Prizes will then go out in the next 2 weeks following the reveal, most likely.
Hello @Game-Jammers!
The moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here!
First, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this challenge! We received over 1,000 entries and we were blown away by the incredible experiences you submitted. The creativity, effort, and innovation you brought to this challenge made our decision very difficult, but we loved every moment of it!
Now, without further ado, here are the winners:
Most Engaging Experience - Panic! At The System by CaioAlbarnBR, Ramonfrar, AnaCorujinhaBR, alyssonchicoh, and aretyssa
Most Creative Interpretation of the Theme - Last Train Home by IxarWasTaken, Transformoule, DunJosh2000, AndreyMenshikov, and daymoon03
Best Technical Quality - 3M1 by ItzMrRatsP, stefano_css, Imaourdefender2, Biguniverses, and Ouroboser.
But that’s not all! With so many amazing entries, we couldn’t help but recognize a few more outstanding experiences. Honorable mentions go to:
To celebrate your incredible work, all honorable mention team members will receive a $100 GoGift card!
Congratulations to everyone who participated in this challenge and a special shoutout to all the winners and honorable mentions!! Your talent and creativity truly made this challenge unforgettable.
Next Steps:
- Winners and honorable mentions - keep an eye on your DevForum messages! We’ll be reaching out soon so you can claim your prizes.
- You’ll receive the DevRel Virtual Prizes Series if you submitted a valid entry in the coming weeks!
- Cast your opinion about this event, please complete this brief survey to help us shape our future challenges!
Once again, thank you for being part of this challenge. We can’t wait to see you in the next one!
Developer Engagement Team
Congratulations to everyone!! This was seriously the most competitive gamejam ever!
Very glad to participate in this game jam, there were a lot of good submissions from others. Congrats to the winners, they deserved it!
Congratulations to the winners, I wish I had more time to work on my project but I’m still very glad I took a part in this challenge!
Congrats to the winners! This was one of the most engaging ones ever!
awesome!! thank you so much!! we feel very honored, congratulations to everyone else as well!