congrats to all the winners! i wished i didnt had that much school while the challenge was ongoing but it is what it is anyways have a great night or day and gl for the future
Wracked Games will prevail next time.
congrats to winners, it was kinda fun participating
Gg’s everyone, and congratulations to the winners ^^
Thank you so much everybody! Can’t believe we won, there are so many talented teams here, you all did a great job! Congratulation to everybody!
Congratulations to all who won.
The DEVREL items typically go out within two weeks.
I wanted to check if it’s standard for testers to spend only about a minute testing a game. I understand that we had 1,000 entries, but if time was a limiting factor, wouldn’t it be possible to allocate more testers to ensure thorough feedback?
For example, I noticed one tester played three different games in just three minutes (I’ve blurred their account for privacy). This isn’t an isolated case—several testers only played for about a minute, which likely means they didn’t even complete the first mini-game.
I appreciate the opportunity to submit our game, but I can’t help but feel that it wasn’t properly tested. That said, I hope it was still considered a decent entry! Our game - The Last Job
Very disappointing to see that….
Congratulations to the winners!! ^ _ ^ although a little disappointed and upset for the Most Creative Interpretation of the Theme as I’ve seen many games of the jam and well… Without hate if anything backslapping to the creators because it was really a good work and I’m impressed… But… A walking sim with quests that tries to justify its theme at the end shouldn’t win that spot consiring more creative works that really use its theme as for example fish.user.
I don’t like the idea of using that category like a Technical Quality 2 rather than a category that focuses in mechanics and creativity.
congrats to the other honourable mentions / winners!
Congrats to all winners and honorable mentions!
Only sad part is that previous honorable mentions got nothing, in dev challenge 2024 =(
Mainly cuz I were one of them.
I shouldn’t have focused so much on gameplay then. Pretty walking simulators are the meta ig.
Thank you for giving the opportunity to participate in this game jam! I had tons of fun (and sleepless nights) and even though my team did not win or get an honorable mention, I gained tons of experience. Congrats to the winners!
Dont know if all 4 of them were testers but we kinda had a similar situation, tho atleast 1 actually played the game. Honestly is really unfair if they dont spend any time testing and it would just take away the meaning of the gamejam.
gg tho
nahhhhhh 1 minute per game is crazyyyyyyyy
congratulations to the winners! although—like vulpany said—if we assume that all of them listed were testers, that would mean that not only did half of them not finish one minigame (after which the interpretation of the theme is revealed, meaning they wouldn’t even be aware of our interpretation), but also that none of them made it to the final cutscene of the game, which is really detrimental to us, not only because its a ~30 second long cutscene i spent 5-6 hours making, but because the finale is meant to build upon our theme interpretation, so i can’t help but feel that if this is truly the case, then perhaps many other submissions may have been tested like such
this isn’t to say that the winners and honorable mentions don’t deserve their positions, but i’d be lying if i said i don’t feel just a little bit insulted by this considering the amount of effort our team put into this submission (which personally i considered to be one of our best submissions yet)
I feel like maybe every single game should get a review from each judge, so we at least know they played the game. I don’t mind losing, it just feels sad that some games that had a lot of effort put into them might’ve not been tested until the end. The review idea would be a good way to let us know what we did was at least seen.
Nonetheless the winners did amazing, congratulations.