If likes and dislikes were considered engagement, I feel like mine would have won.
Most engaging probably has something to do with gameplay.
Hello everyone! We’ve updated our honorable-mention-winning-roguelike-submission to include badges, many fixes, rebalances & minor content additions. This was an incredibly ambitious project for us given the time frame and we are very proud to have won the top spot of the honorable mentions list, it will be very much appreciated by us if you could give the update a try here:
egg hunt has fallen, billions (practically millions) must play Roblox’s lousy attempts at nostalgia
This gamejam was very fierce & competitive. During development of our submission, I saw many other submissions from fellow participants and seeing the scale & quality of those games pushed me to try harder on my own submission to compete. After the jam ended I spent a lot of time playing through different submissions to compare to my own and found some really great gems, my personal favorites are:
- Save Break - A very unique game with interesting puzzles and fun secrets to find
- fish.user - A fun platformer with a unique gimmick
- Specter Endeavor - Combat-typing game that’s rather basic but has an interesting gameplay and a fun ending
- Perpetual Factory - A slow but very high quality game with a great visual and creative interpretation
- RESPAWN - imo the best puzzle game submission of this jam, very creative with its levels and has a unique & memorable interpretation of the theme
- Those Who Chop - This is a genuinely fun game but it feels like it’s something that could’ve been made for anything and not specifically made for this jam, its gameplay is great and it’s (afaik) the only other roguelike submission other than ours but its interpretation of the theme feels like a stretch
- Ace Up Your Sleeve - A balatro-like submission that feels a bit unintuitive to learn initially but is one of the more unique & engaging submissions of the jam
- Redcliff cheats until the apartment is on fire - A super underrated one, the gameplay is difficult to learn & doesn’t make a lot of sense at first but it’s very active and dynamic once you learn how it works, very macro-management heavy and is a very unique concept. I feel like it’s too difficult though and game mechanics aren’t conveyed to you well but still a very cool submission
- Restrained - I’m surprised this one didn’t win anything, a very high-production story game with a unique horror interpretation and great visual
- Capture - A puzzle game with a very nice aesthetic, it wears its Superliminal inspiration on its sleeve and is rather short but I still like how it came out
- R.I.F.T - A personal shoutout to this on because it has a really cool gimmick as a puzzle game but unfortunately by the time I played it it was seemingly broken by a roblox update. I sympathize with the developers and would love to be able to complete the game when it’s fixd
Overall, a great gamejam with a great lineup of submissions. I am personally a fan of Last Train Home & 3M1 so I’m happy to see them winning. But the pick for most engaging to me feels very strange & inappropriate. I like the winning game on its own but it’s a game where you can see everything it has to offer within 1 minute of gameplay. No hate to the team behind the game of course but seeing as how there were no shortage of stellar & engaging submissions I am a bit disappointed that this was chosen, I don’t like that one out of three entry of such a great and competitive gamejam ended up not being representative of the overall quality of the gamejam as a whole and if a better pick took its place I would have been very satisfied with this jam
Thank you to everyone who participated and I hope to compete with you all again in Inspire 2025 or next year’s developer challenge
the downfall was the mass-corporatization in 2019, although the company was already in noticeable disrepair by 2016 when they became strictly profit focused with the removal of “tix”.
I’m glad you liked our game
Is upcoming weeks 1,2 or 3 weeks? Also, will we get it via forum message?
Thank you! I was on the team for this one.
Your game was great too!
Hello there, everyone!
I haven’t received my prize while my teammate has. That’s probably because I changed my username a few months ago but it hasn’t been updated on the DevForum. I updated it now but it’s too late. Roblox DevForum links work with usernames instead of UserIds, therefore the link with my current username didn’t exist until now. Please help me solve this issue!
Hey @Export_Mesh, we’re still sending the virtual items. I’ll update you here once everything is sent out!
WOO HOO!! Got my achievement medal
Got the Medal!
I received my item too!
Cuz it’s 4th challenge I participate in, I got this time a book
Looks much better than cape.
Oooh thanks for the mention of R.I.F.T! Nice to see something of mine get recognition XD
Jokes aside, the bug you mentioned should be fixed now (just temporarily using an older version of PlayerScripts as that seems to fix it) as well as many other general bugfixes so I’d really appreciate it if you gave it another try
Also I 100% agree with you for the pick for most engaging pick, it’s… interesting to say the least
thank you, glad you enjoyed it
Not surprised
Would personally rather fully play through all the games fully and announce the winners in a year but quantity over quality i guess
I joined a random game myself, noticed some random dude who didnt move or react when spoken to, and just left after a few seconds lol
Just curious, did anyone that joined have the roblox administrator badge?
This is public data, your game your choice to have analytics. Just use an alt if you don’t want a developer to have your username.
There are obvious loopholes to this rule that can be used.
What if you track all player’s individual progress without displaying information that can relate to their account? You could additionally add a “Has administrator badge” section. If nobody who joined has completed _ tasks, you can assume a tester didn’t test properly while ensuring player data stays anonymous. This also makes sure all data collected is simply a representation of how far a player progressed.
What if you send the time a server has been open when it shuts down?
What if you store data and info in a datastore with a random 2 character key (adjust when you near a visit limit so players can load) that does not exist and brute force all of them afterward? Who’ll suspect that? You could technically also store player info such as UserIds in this datastore because who’s gonna know?
Better yet, ordered datastores, even disguised as a global leaderboard or speedrun timer?
AND the funniest option by far, using Roblox’s own AnalyticsService.
Yes, a user in my screenshot has the Administrator badge.
In total, only two users who joined had this badge. However, as I understand it, there were testers without the Administrator badge who played the game before the administrators because we did not share the game publicly just submitted it trough this challenge form, but they somehow found the game…
I was given only 1 of the participation awards? Is there a reason or do are all the items handed out at different times?