Roblox Developer Dream Jam Follow Up: Community Voting!

Good contest guys. Cant wait for the semi finals.


Awesome! I am super exited for this!


i thought all participants receive an award, im just curious since i havent received mine yet?

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Participation prizes will be sent after the challenge is over, as @bri9adeiro replied in the last announcement. [Update] Roblox Developer Dream Jam! - #988 by bri9adeiro


Buddy I was exaggerating

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If you have done the dream jam just to receive an award, or medal, I think you have the wrong Idea. This dream jam is to help you improve and see what other people make, to broaden your horizons, to encourage you to work with others and create cool experiences and communities. I know their are those handful of people who just generated terrain, or just pasted a baseplate and added a couple free models just to receive the developer medal or award. I’m not gonna call names, and I’m not pointing my finger at anyone. But as I stated above, its to help you improve, and all the other stuff I listed. I know their is more to say about this but, I don’t want to take out my anger on anyone.

Although congrats to all the people who participated. And I would like to share something with the people who have not made it to the top ten. My drama teacher throughout grade 9 told my class, when you fail you learn, when you succeed - you evolve. I’m not saying anyone failed or any of that. But I’m saying that you can still learn if you dont make it all the way through.

Anyways congrats to everyone.


I think allot of people have because of that one sharkblox video


yeh fr ikr smart idea, very cool indeed

It’s not an idea. It’s just common sense.

yeah but most of them are new they don’t even have a team or anything so they just summitted the default place and hope that all judges are blind and accept their request

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Well, then they dont deserve the medal. At least they could have made a house or smt.

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couldn’t agree more, made a house out of parts is the easiest job you could have done

has the winner been announced yet?? I cant seem to find anything regarding that.

i reload my page for 1h, i don’t know when the results will come


Did anyone got the medal for participating?

The winner is being revealed soon i think

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Hey developers,

Thank you again for your hard work and creativity during the Roblox Developer Dream Jam! As always, it was a pleasure to be able to see all your creations! The moment has finally come to announce the winners and close this chapter of the Dream Jam.

Without further ado, here are your Developer Dream Jam Champions:

Our 1st place winner is Dream Thief by Skelebunch!

first place

Our 2nd place winner is Nova Springs by Plaything!

second place

And finally, our 3rd place winner is Against my Fears by Dynamo Team!

third place

Huge congratulations to our top three champions! Your hard work and creativity really showed in your work, and your experiences were incredible!

At this time, I’d like to ask all top ten finalists to reach out to @Moxyll via private message on the DevForum in order to receive your prizes. Please include your team name and your team members’ names in the message!

Please Note: Each team member must either send us a message or be included in a group chat. We won’t be able to send out your prizes if you don’t send us a message!

As a reminder, here are the prizes!

1st Place: A $1,000 USD credit towards a gaming laptop or desktop of your choice, 256 GB Oculus Quest 2, AND Xbox Series S

2nd Place: 256 GB Oculus Quest 2

3rd Place: Xbox Series S

Top 5/Semi-finalists: $50 Roblox Gift Card

Top 10/Community Playoffs: $25 Roblox Gift Card

To all valid participants, your participation prizes will be sent out over the course of the next few weeks! Additionally, we’d love to read any feedback you have on this challenge here!

Again, congratulations to not only the winners but everyone who participated! We look forward to seeing you in the next jam!

Dream on!

Developer Engagement Team


Woooo congratulations to the team that worked on Dream Theif!!


Congratulations to the winners!!! Great job! You all deserve it :smiley:


GG, thanks for choosing us for the 3rd place!! And good work for all the other games too!!