Roblox Developer Dream Jam Follow Up: Community Voting!

When is the medal handed out to players?

In the next coming weeks as said.

Good job everyone and I hope to jam with you again next time, dream on.

I just got my " Roblox Developer Dream Jam Medal" Pin!

Btw it only works with R6

I got the Developer Dream Jam Medal pin with a message in the inbox

i didnt even find out this from the vid, roblox messaged me directly, i was just wondering about the award, clearly u watch too much sharkblox :skull:

bro how do i disable messages from people, i cant get the message cuz i get too many fan mail
:nauseated_face: :cool:

no u, the pin is in your heart, not your inventory, cherish it :slight_smile:

to solve your message problem, archive messages or mark them as read.

Hey, will the pin be available for r15 anytime soon?

I don’t watch him I just saw it in the search suggestions, also I found out about it from the devforum.

It means you should be apart Of the dev forum but do you mean that their account is under 13 and still got the item?

Honestly, kinda agree. The point is to challenge your skills and not just enter for a medal. My friend and I challenged ourselves to make a game in 1 day, and I also used this chance to see my improvements as a programmer.

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Just to add , its whole purpose is not for medal or championship, its also for educational purposes

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my teammate became a devforum user after we submitted

I didn’t get the medal though I participated…


It will come soon
unless your game submission was not valid


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