Roblox Developer Forum Logo Updated

The goal isn’t to pick a logo the community likes best. The Studio logo was intentionally chosen to finalize the developer branding so that all development-related resources (Studio, Wiki, Devforum) use the developer logo.

The blue logo is as much a Studio logo as the red logo is a Roblox Player logo.




thanks @BlastB00M

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wonderful, but i feel prefer solid blue works better than both colors

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That’s funny!

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Be professional, please.



ok @BuildIntoTrains when anaminus posts a meme its ok


hahahah, gg


Also may I ask why you used two different fonts, and why is the top one way more pixelated?





I can see where this is coming from, but I would also argue that if this were a problem, there would have been noticeable complaints regarding difference; however, we see more complaints about this change.

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The reason there were no complaints about the old logo is because it already existed. Aside from the text and other minor complaints, the only reason there are complaints for the new logo is because it’s change.


To me, this brings confusion. I’m a new member, but from what I understand, the old link to the developer forums was “”. Since the new logo says “Developer” this could cause confusion and I don’t like it. and the link switch broke all the links put on the forum before then… o_o

Not to mention it’s literally the studio logo.


It’s just the Roblox Studio logo? Eh, whatever.


developer shed

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Yes, perhaps we do not like change—it’s human instinct, but just because it is human instinct does not completely rule out opinion; it can be beyond that. I believe that if I were to show the logo to a few people who do not know about Roblox, they would pick our former.

Earlier, you said that you are starting to agree with others that the text is unfavourable. Think about those who influenced this decision. The one second who originally pointed this out the moment this logo was posted. Because you agree with this opinion now, you have not mentioned that criticism of the text is not majorly swayed by a change. Is it possible that criticism of the image itself is also not influenced by this? Or even if it is, that the opinions of it are at least partly—perhaps mostly—influenced by how unappealing it seems to many? I think that we should not simply say that these opinions are all caused by a change; we should not assume to avoid reasoning from the critics or to suppress them completely. Their voices are as valid as anyone’s.

I would also like to state that this automatic debunking of opinion because of its taking place of a time of change is unfair. This way of thinking may also do what you have accused the opposing side of—prejudice. If something has changed, your subconscious may think, and people are opposing this change, then it must be a good change, your subconscious may press. This is a similar game your brain tricks you with—knowledge can control you. Human instinct also includes the need to put knowledge to use. It’s the point of learning, and it’s a factor to why we don’t want to learn things we find will not be useful in life.


Here’s some CSS just in case anyone wants to restore the old logos or replace it to their own design. :stuck_out_tongue: Use something like Stylish or whatever you prefer for custom CSS. Apart from that, I have nothing against the change or the Roblox studio in itself, but it just doesn’t feel right to me here.

.d-header #site-logo {
    content: url(
.logo-small {
    content: url(!important;

No, my problem isnt that its change. Its that its a lousy logo. To me its just the studio logo with “developer” written under it. The dominos logo didnt fit because roblox wasnt following that sleek simplistic design trend



Did you forget that this color is already used on the website to show when a user is working in studio? We could just use this color. Like we were before.

My problem with this logo is that it’s already associated with studio, not with the entire development community. It feels lazy, and does not feel representative of what devforum is. At least a little bit of adjustment to the logo would help fix this.

True, people could get used to it, but that doesn’t make it a good decision that people like and agree with.