Roblox Developer Forum Logo Updated

Perhaps even an orange version of what GeorgeTheDev put. Lol


Continuing to your post Younite,
The current logo represents ROBLOX Studio and not the Developer Forum. I feel this current logo represents developers who mess around with a sandbox program and make models and some basic code like a learner meanwhile before with the ‘old’ logo I felt proud and special that I had worked so hard to get where I was and there was feeling of accomplishment went along every time I saw that logo.


This is what I was thinking


it would say devforum under it. It pays homage to the old one


I though this one looked good too. My main issue with the current one is that it looks so plain and boring. My eyes are aching for a color difference


This is not true. Everything developer-related on Roblox uses the blue logo.

Explaining it like that helps me understand. Before, it just seemed… over nothing lol.


I don’t get the complaints about this being the Studio icon.

I know people have built an association between the logo and Studio, but I don’t think the logo was intended to represent Studio specifically. As I see it, the logo is intended to represent creating Roblox content (edit: was “games”) as a whole:

  • Studio is the app for creating Roblox content
  • The wiki is the documentation for creating Roblox content
  • This site is the community for creators of Roblox content

And I can’t think of a context where the icon could cause people to confuse this site and Studio. There could be an issue with Devforum and the wiki having the same favicon, but at the moment the wiki appears to not have a favicon at all.


Yes, I had that sense of pride and accomplishment after grinding hundreds of hours doing dev too :slight_smile:


What about the people who don’t make games? Like the graphic designers and composers? Clothing designers? Group owners?


What he means is that we’ve been so adjusted to the blue logo for over a year now, that we automatically recognise it as the studio logo. If everything studio related was changed on the day roblox rebranded, we’d be a lot more comfortable with this change.



The text is all blurry


Hmm. Valid point I didn’t think of. There are developers out here that don’t use typical development tools like studio, such as graphics artists and music composers



Too spooky 5 me.


I guess I should have said “creating content on the Roblox platform”.

But in what context should that icon appear where it would be associated with such creators? It just so happens that none of those use a Roblox-specific app/site apart from the general

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this is the only problem i have with it, when it’s displayed like this
i think the text should just be removed at this size

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While I understand that it makes sense to make the dev forum logo the same as the studio logo (due to both being development related) I feel like it comes off as lazy, especially when we had a pretty awesome logo before hand (imo)


Idk. For everyone that really wants to have it not be the Studio logo, 100% the Studio logo…


What if it’s just red with white Developer text put directly onto the actual logo bit?


Maybe a giant red ‘R’ filled in with white?

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While I do agree with the “Developer” text part, I think the color should still be blue. If not, then orange or purple. Something unique.

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I honestly like this change, the old logo was really nice but it doesn’t represent the brand image that roblox is going for with their new logos, and as it does have the ‘developer’ text it isn’t just the Studio Logo, rather it’s very clearly a subdivision of the development side of Roblox. There’s now two clear logos, roblox playing logo (the red one) and the roblox development logo (the blue one)

This :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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