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This is really nice, I can also see the addition of an actual tag based system too!
1 suggestion: can you change the font of the page to something like Verdana? Sans serif kinda looks plain-ish. You can compare the font to the roblox font.
Overall the page is extremely organized and allows the user to use all the features without unnecessary clutter!
Also another thing: note that the right and left bars look a bit cramped and could use more spacing or line height between the text. Also what’s that random bacon hair face at the clocks difficulty chart obby image? Just space out the right and left bars, including the search bar, like the roblox icon should have a bit more gap between the search bar. Other than that the design is gorgeous and I’d love to see it as the actual discover page some day. What if you get hired at roblox for the same??!?!?
As you can see from the friends list on the right, a fictional player named @IamBetterThanYou is playing my game. This is displayed directly at the game in the search! If you feel like it, you can play it !
Ah ok, I got it. Can you change the way it shows the friends that are playing the game, maybe just show the game name on the side bar and not anywhere? It honestly looks like a random floating image as it’s not incorporated within the frame that displays the game info.
The font is the one thing I don’t like about this. Roblox currently uses Gotham which looks better in my opinion, this looks like Arial. Everything else is an upgrade.
looks super messy and complicated like some of the features would be nice but the new ui just sucks compared to the current one if you did something like the currently ui and modified it to have the game filter
This is exactly what roblox needs to do! Personally the layout for the profile and robux is not my favorite but the searching by tags and showing games that have 0 - 1000 players is what I really like. If people dont want to try new games there is still the option for big games while still giving new devs and games a chance!