Roblox freezes for five minutes, then crashes

Hello. I am experiencing a crash/freeze bug, and I have no idea what to do. I have tried everything. I completely uninstalled Roblox and all of the Roblox files. Roblox is the top priority task in Task Manager, and is running as administrator. Roblox still crashes. I have a crash/error log if you would like me to send it, and I also have footage of the crash. Thank you!

If you need any more information sent, please tell me and I would be glad to help. There was a DMP file too, but I was unable to upload it because it is over 10 MB. I tried putting it on Pastebin too, but it crashed. If you do need that file, I will try to upload it somewhere else.

Log/dump files were attached to the internal ticket by a Roblox Staff (@Focia19), due to the sensitive information they may contain, will not be shared publicly!


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!



Could you please send the dump file as well, via DM to me?

Thank you!

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@3lectric_Coke Hello, I noticed that your issue is due to a crash in Roblox and not your computer. It would be helpful to check for any compatibility errors by right-clicking on Roblox, then opening the file location and solving compatibility problems. Also, make sure that in your game settings, the graphics quality matches your computer’s capabilities so as not to strain it too much. Also, check that your graphics card drivers are functioning correctly. !

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Thank you for the suggestion! I tried it, and the game still crashes. I have my graphics quality at the lowest, and do everything to try to make it run better. I’ve tried updating every driver on my computer, and nothing worked. I don’t think this is on my end because I am able to run games that take more memory and CPU %.

This issue is getting worse. There are many games that will crash after just minutes, and studio is completely broken. Any updates?

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Studio is still completely broken, and more games are becoming unplayable. How long does it take to examine a crash log?

Awesome! I love waiting a month without a response!

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Well, isn’t this awesome! 2 months!


if you guys arent going to help me, at least say something! please, why would you ask for all of the information and then just disappear for nearly 4 months?