unfortunately it is not as simple as that, i have tried rebooting several times and it did not work.
Sometimes it happens to me too.
what do you specify as a “bad driver”? And how would someone go about finding it/fixing it?
Hello Happygamer1983,
Bad drivers are the least likely scenario. In most cases, we have seen that machines are infected with malware. A good indicator is whether the Roblox client works after a clean reboot.
ok, but still what do you specify as a “bad driver”, even if its the least likely scenario?
Certain drivers are known to have bugs and are being used as a launchpad for exploits and other unwanted software. However, I am not at liberty, nor are we in possession of a comprehensive list of potentially harmful drivers, as there could be other factors involved.
All my drivers are up to date and I’ve scanned my computer for malware, yet I’m still getting crashes.
Is there anything else you can recommend?
Hello Dev_Lights,
Please send me the corresponding crash dump to determine the nature of the crash.
Oh, come on! First, you say it’s a virus. Now you say it’s because of a virtual machine. I use Roblox Player in a VMware for years and only now it’s crashing. Please, think a little more before making an excuse.
You submitted two archives: one 11 hours ago and one 40 minutes ago. The first archive contained one crash dump, which we analyzed and provided feedback on. The second archive contained two crash dumps, both indicating that you attempted to run the client on a virtual machine.
Analysis of the first archive containing one crash dump:
Analysis of the second archive containing two crash dumps:
Also, please post in your original thread to avoid confusion.
i have sent you my log files.
i have tried finding viruses (unsuccessful), all my drivers are up to date
Is there another way to have my crash dump analyzed? i’m not a regular so i’m unable to create a new bug report.
Hello Duality,
Please send the crash dump directly to me in a DM.
Yeah I realized I posted it as a forum bug and not an engine bug
Hello koata,
Thank you for providing us with your client .log
file. The log indicates you got kicked by RCC. This happened most likely due to a bug on our end and will be fixed with the next client release. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
I sent my log file I sent it like 2 days ago i do not know if you can find it
I’m having a similar issue to what is being described here, however for me it seems that I cannot launch the Roblox player at all. When I click to play a game on the Roblox website, it brings up the “Starting Roblox” loading window, but after that window closes the Roblox player never opens. No crash logs are generated. I’ve already tried common suggestions like reinstalling the launcher and restarting my computer, and none of them have worked.
This issue started happening on about the 27th of April, and I have never had any issues with Roblox before that. Nothing has changed regarding my browser or my internet since when Roblox was working, and Roblox Studio still seems to work fine. Because of this, I am inclined to assume it has to do with the new client, especially since Roblox works just fine on a different computer with a different account on the same browser and internet.
Hello Veov_Ekdosi,
As your issues seem to be resolved, I’m going to go ahead and close this ticket. Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you encounter any other issues.
Hello Sam,
Thank you for forwarding the log file to us. The log file is somewhat truncated, but it contains enough information for us to tell that you are running a 32-bit client. 32-bit clients are not Hyperion-protected, so the issues you are facing are unrelated to Hyperion.
For 32-bit client issues, please open a separate bug report or alternatively, wait until the new 64-bit client is fully rolled out.
I apologize that at the moment, I cannot provide a more tangible solution.