Not sure if this is a result of 0.582 but all of a sudden HTTP requests are incredibly slow on my Studio client, taking about 30 seconds regardless of what website I access.
What was changed?
EDIT: Problem is gone somehow.
Not sure if this is a result of 0.582 but all of a sudden HTTP requests are incredibly slow on my Studio client, taking about 30 seconds regardless of what website I access.
What was changed?
EDIT: Problem is gone somehow.
Hello EmK,
was rolled back to 0.581
today 9:30am
Looks like only the client was rolled back then
this also happens to me too but then after like 2 mins of retrying it goes away its weird.
I’ve been having this issue for a month now I tried contacting roblox support but they didnt help me.
It has become impossible for me to play Roblox as my game keeps crashing around 5 minutes into playtime.
Same for me, but I cannot even open the Roblox app. It is not my internet as I am getting over 100 megabits per second, I only encounter this issue with Roblox, not any other online game.
Im having a similar issue, mine happens in studio and in the roblox client. My CPU usage goes up a TON, and so does my ram usage
This was opening a few studios, this was only starting new applications, not opening super big games/maps
Hi, it’s been another month of crashing every 10 minutes. Any updates? I asked 16 days ago but was not responded to.
I have been consistently crashing on Roblox after 10 minutes of play time for 2 months and 3 days (since the 5th of May 2023).
This is seriously destroying my ability to play with friends, QA and other positions which require me to actually be able to play Roblox and not just use Roblox Studio.
Would you like me to provide a new crash dump?
Same for me but if i put a crash dump in here can someone see it?
This issue happened to me yesterday (around 7-9 PM EST) and as of late it’s no longer occuring for me, so it may potentially be fixed for some.
What would happen:
Click play on a game → It would say starting roblox → The bar would go near halfway → It would close, and not open roblox.
Play the game for a bit, after 2-10 minutes, the game would freeze, and then crash.
I thought this was an issue on my side so I got rid of an entire user profile on my PC after deleting temp files and uninstalling and reinstalling roblox and still not having any luck, but turns out it was a roblox issue.
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
For me, only number 2 happens.
> I launch a game or just open the Roblox app
> I keep it open (doing anything (like play a game))
> After 10-15 minutes the game will freeze and close
This happens consistently with very little variation over time, I would even argue it has only gotten worse as before I had a chance to not crash if I clicked “OK” to a memory dump notification I used to recieve before crashing (it no longer appears).
Not to mention how for a solid week crashing would log me out every time… so happy this was reverted, especially since I have 2FA.
recent surge of this issue happening
It is important to share exactly what the issue is as they all vary and may not actually be the same issue.
My issue is supposedly a multi-threading issue. This would make sense as I have a 24 thread CPU and only others I have seen with my issue all seem to have high thread CPUs. I – of course – could be entirely wrong as I don’t have an in-depth knowledge on how Roblox works (only a very well surface-level knowledge).
Ah, Fellow Player hit the 2 month mark!
What CPU do you use? I am curious to know if it will align with my observations.
AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics, 2200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4
I have a whole doc on my specs if you want it LOL.