Roblox is currently broken. I've found 3X the amount of bugs TODAY then I find in a month

Okay. So as many of you know, Roblox has been experiencing some unusual problems as of January 2025. I’ve found so many bugs that need fixing its making Roblox genuinely unfun.

Now, I’m not sure if anyone else has been finding bugs like these, But I’m reporting this anyways. Because I’m not 100% aware of what’s actually happening.

Here is a list of bugs I’ve found in the last couple of days:

  • When every joining a Roblox game or joining a specific server, The Roblox client has a chance to just not open and do nothing. I just noticed this a few days ago. And it’s annoying.
  • I’m a Roblox developer. And For whatever reason, when inserting a new object into a nothing object, The instance you just inserted will have a low chance to get parented to a random instance, and then move the preferred parent to a random place. And if the instance you inserted is in workspace, The parent of the instance will get CFramed to a random place 5 to 20 studs away from where the original CFrame was.
  • When viewing the analytics of a game, some stats may not show up. 2 days ago 72-hour monetization was having problems. It lasted for about 6 hours. I showed: “Request failed” or something like that.
  • Whenever I join a private server I’ve had, Roblox will instantly kick me out, saying: “Same account launched from a different device.” despite that not being true. And then nothing happens after that. Infact, It does this a few times in a row. So you have to go into the private server and edit its subscription and joinability sometimes…

And there are many more that I’ve seen with studio, scripting, and the website.

PLEASE let me know if this is going on with any of you guys.


You are not alone here, especially with the private server issues.


Weird, I have not even seen this at all, EXPECT THIS ONE WHICH IS SO FREAKING ANNOYING

Im probably gonna do a bug report for this one above

This one is annoying but i can live with it


Hopefully at least one of these issues get fixed.


A lot of these are probably because of the influx of players over the holidays, maybe the lack of maintenance as much of the team was also on holiday. Likely to smooth itself out over the coming weeks. Could also be network issues on your side for the same reasons.

This one sounds the most like an actual, persistent bug to me. Are you sure it’s not a plugin you have installed?

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that’s good to here, I’m glad it’s not a problem with just me

I have a few plugins, I noticed that starting about 2 weeks ago.

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