Roblox Light & Fountain show support

Hello all. Firstly, I will like to apologise if this post should not be part of the Scripting Support section of the DevForum but I thought this is the most appropriate place for putting this post.

My main question is, how would I got on about making a Roblox light show?. I have seen a DevForum Post (xLights + ROBLOX) about using a program called xLights in Roblox but I have no idea how to set it up for studio and how to get it all working inside studio. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge on how I would create these types of shows? I would like to include water jets too if that is possible.

Here is a video I have found on something I would like to make:

Cheers :slight_smile:

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I wouldn’t have expected this type of post to appear here but I got a notification from you mentioning my post!

It’s a bit of a complicated process if you are using an external program like I am, as it involves reading some .fseq files from xLights.

Ive been working on a plugin to do this… sadly it isn’t finished yet, reading and saving these sequences is a large task.

The other option would be to manually program the sequences in scripts, without using external programs.

Forgot to mention; the post you linked was an outdated version that did not work as well as what I have now.

Edit 2: Here’s that post if you want it: xrLights Project

I’m glad you have interest in this though. Good luck on your endeavors.

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