ROBLOX logo as menu button

One of the issues with this sleek, new hamburger menu button is that it feels completely out of place in medieval, western, world war, dinosaur, etc etc (generally any non scifi or general (I.e. TMM) place) UI designs. It completely kills the mood when you’re using a rustic UI one second only to find the out-of-place hamburger button staring into your soul the next second.

Take a look at your Xbox or PS3 (not sure of the newer ones) controllers. Take a look at 3DS Max and Microsoft Office (the newer versions). Take a look at your Windows start button. All of these products have their respective company’s logo as their menu button. None of these menu buttons look out of place.

ROBLOX doesn’t have to miss out on this opportunity. Although it may still look weird in a rustic place, the menu buttton wouls never ever look out-of-place. On top of that, it would emphasize ROBLOX more – I’ve noticed I haven’t seen the ROBLOX logo around much. You have it shoved up in a tiny corner on the main site, and in the taskbar while you’re playing ROBLOX. I never noticed how much it wasn’t until ROBLOX added it to their loading screen, but even that is tucked away and not visible for long.

ROBLOX and the variety of games and their respective UIs that it supports would benefit tremendously from changing the image of the current menu button to the icon shown on the new loading screen. Not only would it never be out-of-place, but it would remove that feeling that ROBLOX ripped off someone’s UI thatthe current menu button gives off. ROBLOX would then have its own, unique UI.


The logo as the menu button in-game or on-website? In-game would look weird… like idk imagine CoD multiplayer with the XBOX logo/Activision logo as the menu button image

This logo:

I normally would provide a photoshop of the change, but my computer is toast right now and I’m restricted to mobile. I’ve never seen a menu button for CoD multiplayer, so I can’t comment on that (would appreciate screenshot), but there’s no way ROBLOX’s logo replacing that hamburger escape menu button is going to look worse

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The R in the logo looks so weird:

I was going to try to come up with what the menu logo could look like, but it’s a really weird shape…

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