Roblox Loses Visual Quality above 100% Display Scaling

Description Of Issue:
At high resolutions with high display scaling, Roblox seems to lose visual quality and become NOTICEABLY (you’d have to look a bit) blurry.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set windows resolution scale to higher than 100%
  2. Join a game, observe how blurry it is compared to it being set to 100%.

Extra Information:

This seems to be MUCH more apparent when text such as a SurfaceGUI is on the screen, but does affect other things. You will also have to be up close to see it.

Image of Issue:

The FFlag DFFlagDisableDPIScale set to true seems to fix this issue. This is why I came to the conclusion this was a bug.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!


Hi @TimeFrenzied

Thanks for pointing this out! This is actually a side effect of how (one of) our performance management system works right now. We’re very actively working on improving the part that regulates resolution, and the issue you mentioned should be fixed in a couple of months.

Appreciate your patience!



Thank you for the hasty response! Please reach out to me when this is fixed, as it may look like a minor inconvenience but it has still been affecting me and my friends quite alot.

Also, I’ve heard this applies to studio as well, which seems to be true from what I can see. Just pointing this out in case you didn’t know!

200% scaling:

100% scaling:

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hey, yes we are aware of tis being an issue especially for in game guis. We are actively working on this (as a part of another system)

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