Roblox needs a linux port due to the recent 7/8 update stunt

Windows 7/8 updated to be just as free with your privacy as 10 is, probably in backlash against users not wanting to switch to 10. Issue was posted here: Windows 7 and 8 are phoning home

Due to this, I have two options to protect sensitive data that I have (No, not pirated programs or anything bad, legitimate data). I can either use Linux, and forego the use of Roblox, or use Windows XP, and be limited to 2GBs of RAM (It’s a 3GB limit, but GPU RAM takes up one GB of that)

Neither option is ideal at all, could you guys please make an official Linux port? You don’t support any privacy-secure OS except XP, which is unusable.


Here we go again…

OT: Or… You can just not install Windows Updates. That’s the only way Microsoft is able to install something like that on your system.

[quote] Here we go again…

OT: Or… You can just not install Windows Updates. That’s the only way Microsoft is able to install something like that on your system. [/quote]

Yeah, so going without updates is just an ideal solution as XP was… And what if they also decide to start forcing updates? If they are going to violate your right to privacy, might as well, and I would have no way at all of knowing without significant effort that they aren’t violating my rights.

I no longer trust Microsoft at all, this goes beyond the bounds for me, it was alright for them to mess with 10, it was a new OS, and they had their vision for the way they wanted it to be. Just don’t mess with 7/8 and then fail to inform people that you just changed your privacy policy and screwed them over. I won’t use an OS I can’t trust.

And no, this is not ‘again’ I have a legitimate reason for asking now, there is not a single modern OS that can be used that doesn’t violate your privacy now with Roblox. This is a significant issue for me, I’m not just rambling about how good Linux is, I have no other choice now but to switch to Linux, or be limited to 2GBs of RAM.

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Weeve, The answer from ROBLOX is no. That’s the final answer, at least for now. These post are pointless.

ROFL “going without updates is just an ideal solution as XP was”. You’re saying that your computer in its current state is bad as XP. If you don’t install any windows updates, your computer isn’t going to magically stop working. I haven’t installed a windows update on my desktop since I bought it a little over a year ago, and it runs just as any Windows 7 should.

Microsoft can’t magically force install windows updates on 7/8 without another windows update because the two operating systems weren’t built for forced updates originally.

“I have a legitimate reason for asking now”
Tinfoil-hats is not a legitimate reason for ROBLOX to be ported to Linux. “OMG SOMEHOW MICROSOFT MIGHT START FORCE INSTALLING UPDATES ON WINDOWS 7/8!!!” Good god…

There has been a significant change in circumstances, and I’m asking for them to reconsider because of that change, I know about their past statements on the issue, which is why the only other time I’ve asked for a Linux port was when I first got on this forum. I’m not one to ask frivolous questions to waste people’s time.

[quote] ROFL “going without updates is just an ideal solution as XP was”. You’re saying that your computer in its current state is bad as XP. If you don’t install any windows updates, your computer isn’t going to magically stop working. I haven’t installed a windows update on my desktop since I bought it a little over a year ago, and it runs just as any Windows 7 should.

Microsoft can’t magically force install windows updates on 7/8 without another windows update because the two operating systems weren’t built for forced updates originally.

“I have a legitimate reason for asking now”
Tinfoil-hats is not a legitimate reason for ROBLOX to be ported to Linux. “OMG SOMEHOW MICROSOFT MIGHT START FORCE INSTALLING UPDATES ON WINDOWS 7/8!!!” Good god… [/quote]

It’s as good an option as XP because I can’t trust 7/8, and 8 has a system built in place to force updates if Microsoft wanted to, before I believed I could trust them enough that I didn’t need to worry about it.

Being concerned because you have sensitive information on your PC, and that Microsoft is sent this information regardless of your consent, and against your privacy settings, and against the agreed on ToS is not tinfoil-hatting, it’s me being reasonably upset at a breach of my rights, without even the decency of being told it happened.

okay I’m done. Bye.

I thought you could stop those updates from being installed? They’re not classified as “important” updates, so you shouldn’t have to install them.

If you go to Windows Update, you can:

  • right-click on future updates and hide them to prevent their installation
  • view your installed updates, and remove them if they’re already on your computer

If they are willing to do a blatantly illegal act like that, what makes you think they won’t later silently force install an update that does the same thing? I don’t want to use an OS from someone I can’t trust, and I can’t trust law breaking thieves who have no value for my privacy.

I mean, theoretically I could throw WireShark on my connection, and have it block all IPs but what I allow, but I don’t want that kind of hassle from using an OS that’s supposed to make my life easier.

I don’t want to argue with you guys on this, I just want an answer from Roblox so I can decide what OS I should switch to, if they will support Linux, I will switch to that, if they won’t, I will likely switch to XP, that or drop Roblox as a viable development platform for me, as XP is showing signs of aging already.

I’ve never even opened windows update…

I suggest you avoid replying to the knee-jerk “tinfoil hat” responses. Since there’s still no incentive for a significantly large migration to Linux (i.e. not enough people care about privacy yet), there is still no reason for Roblox to consider a Linux port. Until then, you’re going to have to dual boot, or run windows in a virtual machine. I plan on doing one of the two.

Or, if you’re really adamant about getting a Linux port, then you’ll have to convince Roblox to change how they decide which platforms to support (good luck).

Guys, please stop bashing the people concerned about their privacy. If you’re thrilled to receive personalized ads and have your passwords synced to all your devices, more power to you. But it’s not absurd for someone to want their activity, personal information, and files private; that should be their prerogative.

If my neighbor were watching me through my window every day with binoculars, I’d close the curtain. You might argue that there’s no harm in him knowing when I watch TV, or eat my lunch, but it doesn’t matter. He’s looking into my house, my life, something that’s none of his business and I didn’t give him permission to do. And it’s certainly not his right to yank the curtain back open, as Microsoft has effectively done with their recent telemetry updates.

I’m not sure you understand the amount of work that would need to happen for a linux port to be made. It’s not like you spend a day making ROBLOX Linux, and it’s set for life. It may involve hiring full time people to upkeep the version as well.

It doesn’t seem like there’s a reason to port it. Not enough people use it, not to mention would it even bring in enough money to be worth the development and upkeep costs? (I don’t have those figures but I assume not)

Don’t like Windows but want to still be able to play roblox? Switch to Mac!

I don’t see why ROBLOX “needs” to do something because you are unwilling to use a certain OS due to personal issues with their privacy policies.

I’ve never even opened windows update…[/quote]

I really can’t see any good reason not to install any Windows updates.

I have to reboot my computer

I have to reboot my computer[/quote]

Install them and have them take effect when you shut your computer down…?