Roblox not launching, at all

This would be the most reasonable conclusion given what little we have to work with. Doesn’t seem to be Hyperion-related either since that should produce logs/dumps IIRC.


yup same here tried reinstalling i got a updating screen and then it doesnt launch after that


hold up how do you check the logs?


i saw a few post saying Bitdefender is causing it but I’m unsure i have Bitdefender but i personally wouldn’t disable it

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Maybe. I ran a clean boot without Bitdefender so I’m not sure if that’s true. Perhaps I missed something. Regardless, it’s staying on.

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yeah if it is Bitdefender im sure a fix would be out quickly as roblox is a pretty huge game
but im getting no detection warnings or nothing

(Also happens with other avs in a vm so idk)

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This happened to me a week ago. I restarted the computer and launched it with launcherbetaexe manually. It worked. Maybe this was a random incident.

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i tried that but nothing
very strange

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i found a solution for Bitdefender users:

  1. Go to Bitdefender
  2. Go to protection tab
  3. click advanced threat defense
  4. click settings
  5. manage exceptions
  6. add C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-faaebc838e2e45f6\RobloxPlayerBeta.exe (Replace Username with your username)
  7. tick the box for advanced threat defense.
  8. save and launch Roblox

(Please note you should remove this expectation after the issue is fixed.)

please reply if you have any questions


Hello starism,

Thank you for reaching out to us. From your post, I’m not sure if you are also a Bitdefender user. If so, we are currently looking into a possible incompatibility and hope to come up with a fix soon.


I was also a Bitdefender user - after I made Roblox an exception it started to work again. Seems that’s what is in common.

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Thank you for your quick reply. As mentioned, we are looking into it, but outside confirmation of the problem is always welcome and encouraged.


Works; thank you very much for the help.
It’s odd that Bitdefender was the cause of the issue despite it not giving me any warnings about it.


I can confirm that I am also a bitdefender user.

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Ok this fixed it for me, but I still have a problem that still makes me unable to play roblox.

Roblox stays in the background process and I can’t see the roblox window.
When that happens, people can see me join, I don’t have any render/window tho.


It’s not working for me and hasn’t been for the past day. I tried fixing it with the following:
(I don’t have Bitdefender, and have never installed it)

  • Resetting computer multiple times
  • Deleting and Reinstalling the app multiple times
  • Turning off window’s anti-virus
  • Resetting cache + cookies
  • Running as administrator

Roblox Studio used to open but I couldn’t join any games, now it works and it runs in the “Apps” part of Task Manager, so if I had to guess I would probably say it has to do with the Roblox Applications running in the background processes section similarly to Mimi from the post above. Let me know when you guys found out the problem.


How do I fix this problem? Roblox hasn’t been launching for 11 days now.


Hey, this issue has been plaguing me for weeks now, I’ve given up until now. I’ve never had Bitdefender and Roblox keeps crashing constantly. I don’t even boot in game. As soon as the launcher launches, nothing happens- and when something does happen its just the crash message. Any ideas/fixes?

There was a time where I was able to load in-game for about 2 seconds before I got kicked with a crash message, but upon more recent testing I don’t even make it that far anymore.


This issue isn’t solved for me either. This issue started today but I don’t think I have done anything out of the ordinary for it to happen. The rest of what happened to be is pretty similar to what happened to you.


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