Roblox Not Loading a Significant amount of Audio Files or Respecting Playback Regions

As of recent, a ton of audio in my game has been failing to load on the server side. This is a problem as the game heavily utilizes Sound.Ended and Sound.DidLoop events for game mechanics.

Furthermore, I’ve noticed that some sounds will not respect the set boundaries of Playback Regions, making it so it plays unintended parts of the audio in the experience.

Game link: Noobs vs Zombies Realish Reborn - Roblox

Example of errors, notice how they’re repeating and being spammed?

Example of playback region audio NOT working properly:

Example of playback region audio working as intended: (this is how it was normally)

Both of these clips use the exact same audio, however the 2nd one has the start region further ahead so it skips the beginning portion.

This started happening about 3 days ago (May 23rd, 2024) and has been impacting the experience consistently since then.

Also note that a large majority of these audios are owned by Roblox or myself, so it isn’t an issue with permissions. I’ve also double checked and they aren’t content deleted, in fact, they usually load fine in studio!

Expected behavior

I expect all audio to load accordingly and playback regions to function as intended.

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Upon closer inspection this appears to be directly related to This Announcement as it happened almost immediately after public SFX were released

Pictured is the Error Reporter in the game statistics page, open for the last 7 days (the recent drop is because I updated my game mere moments ago)

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Hey Marioman73, I turned a flag off on Saturday that may be related – are you still seeing these errors on the server?

As of recent the errors have pretty much entirely vanished.

In the past day, the only audio failures are just a result of typical server troubles rather than whatever got changed previously.

There are also a few client related issues as per usual, but the server hasn’t had significant issues with audio loading anymore

For reference, the errors I was referring to on the bug reporting day looked like this, and there were a LOT more of them:

Again is the same 7 day graph but taken as of this moment. The spike is correlated with the announcement but it seems around the time you changed the flag the errors began to vanish!

I think I was affected by this bug too. I imported a new instrument sample set to my experience, assigned all of its data (loop points for differently-pitched samples within the overall larger sound file, split length, and how many semitones each of those splits are used for), then went to test it by putting the OGG file in Studio’s content folder.

I’ve debugged my scripts and can confirm that it’s calculating the correct loop points and playback regions, but Roblox is forcing its TimePosition to 0, even if I correct it manually every frame. From my testing, this only affected the new instrument, which uses a very short sound file (~0.4 seconds), while the rest worked fine.

Here’s my “report”, which I posted in the current waywoc topic. This test was done days ago, so if that flag was disabled in Studio too, I’ll have to test my instrument again and indicate if it’s still happening for me.

UPDATE: I just tested that instrument in Roblox Studio and the bug is still happening. It isn’t respecting PlaybackRegions correctly for the same notes as my video.