Roblox Place not opening in studio

I’ll be honest I can’t tell if this is the right thing to tag but I don’t see anything that looks more fitting.

Every time me or my friend (lmaginationBurst) try to open the place (via … → Download or … → Edit) it doesn’t open. It’s stuck in an infinite loop of “Loading game…” and never actually opens.

It goes so far to even freeze and be stuck on “not responding” as shown below.

Any information as to why this is happening and any ideas to fix it or genuine solutions would help. There’s a couple of weeks worth of work in there that would be completely lost if this can’t be fixed.


Steps to reproduce:

  • Go to place link
  • Click the “…” and then click edit
  • Wait for eternity

This could be a bug with team create or your device performance.

Same happened to me when I added a friend to team create. Also, the game was huge and never opened again after I enabled team create. Eventually, we gave up.

Could be either one of these:

  1. Roblox is having issues with loading huge games in team create mode.
  2. Your pc performance is poor just like mine.

Having the same error currently, and not sure what is causing this. Probably has something to do with Studio Update because I have been opening the place in my same PC since months and hasn’t caused any problems.


The one thing I noticed about this issue is it only affects my last opened place prior to the issue appearing. Every other place I have does not suffer from this issue only the place I had open once the issue began.

I don’t know if this directly linked to anything but it’s the one consistent thing I noticed.

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Can confirm, also happening to me. Very annoying.

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This has happened to me too; I tried reading articles and doing every solution, but nothing has worked, and this bug only occurred in my current place, 4110330126, and I have to update it; my message is we need Roblox to fix this any time soon.

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Follow up to aforementioned reply.

Whenever I attempt to open the place initially (Restart Studio, clean session). This error appears:

Attempting to retry or close & retry will generate an infinite loading place loop. Just to help specify the issue further. Studio then proceeds to become unresponsive forcing me to do a forced close on it.

Again, this only affects whatever place you had open / last open at the time the issue appeared. Tested it on about 6 other places to be sure and it never happens on any of them.


I didn’t get this message because I published my place last time, and I got successfully published, and when I tried to open it got stuck to “Loading place. Please wait…” We’re just hoping Roblox to fix this soon…

I checked my version history on my development area and it says all the versions are there from my last publishing, I assume this has nothing to do with autosave (assuming you have it turned on) So I would LIKE to assume that you should be safe in that regard of not losing progress.

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I am also having this issue. Cannot load any place at all.


I have exactly the same problem, and my place isn’t team create. I just get stuck in a loop of “Loading Place, please wait”

I tried a different place and it opened just fine, but not the one with all my work on it :frowning:

Yep the same for me, it’s only the place I most recently opened

The exact thing is happening with me, just hoping Roblox staff fixes it…

I am surprised we have no response from Roblox yet. I have confirmed that everyone on my team cannot load into our actively in-dev project. This is a huge hit to us today, how can we be serious about development when the entire engine will not load for a whole day now and there is no response from Roblox?

Might this never get fixed? Whats the word guys?


Yeah i’m bumping this in hopes of a response as well. I’m guessing this is a problem only affecting some users or something but it would be nice to know what’s going on.

There was just a patch for roblox studio but it doesn’t seem to have resolved the issue.

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I’ve been having a similar issue. Just started yesterday (3/30). I was working on a local file of the place in the morning but when I closed and tried to open it, I got stuck on a “Logging in…” screen with Opening Place stuck at a 100%. After that my Roblox Studio becomes non-responsive. No one on my team has been able to open any recent version of the game since.

0.472.0.419960_20210331T174918Z_Studio_30154_last.log (13.0 KB)

0.472.0.419960_20210331T173440Z_Studio_0A970_last.log (14.7 KB)


I am having the same issue. Studio does not want to load any local .rbxl copies or published versions of our game.

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Continuing on this, 10 and I decided to see if we could recover the progress through Version History, but not even previous version would load, coming across the same issue. We kept going back through versions to see if we went early enough something might open. I found that the latest date of the place I could open in studio was Nov 14, but if that’s the only one we can recover from that is 5 months of progress lost. That’s a huge blow to the development of our game.

From looking over the thread, it looks like those being affected can’t open up the studio they had most recently worked on, which is the case for 10 and I’s studio as well. Hoping that this gets resolved quickly, since it’s currently destroying a huge chunk of progress we had.


Revert to the latest history change, do not give up. I’m sure Roblox will fix this any time soon. We just have to keep reporting it and sharing it.


Hey everyone,
Sorry for the delayed response. We are actively investigating this issue, and will update as we go along.