Roblox Place not opening in studio

Hi, can you try restart the studio reproduce it again?

I believe I am still unable to open up my place file (locally and through the website). It could possibly just be an unusually long load-up time but there are mostly ModuleScripts existing in the file.

There are other places that I can open, just not with this particular game.

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Hello, the open place issue is still happening to me for some reason.

This is happening for both local file and opening from site.

Can you share the place id via dm? Thanks!

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I’m still having issues opening the place for my game. It goes to loading 100% and then Studio becomes non-responsive. If I make a new place, it works and opens just fine.

While I’m at it I’ll also share ours:

None of the developers are able to access studio as it simply loads forever/crashes. Reverting back to an older version does nothing.

Sure, sorry for replying late.

I’m still getting the same issue, so here’s my place ID: 4110330126

Still a problem with my game, very annoying and preventing us from doing anything at all: Blacksite Zeta - Roblox

So here is what I’m currently experiencing with all my games.

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Still not working for me, I’m still getting stuck on a permanent loop of “loading place, please wait”
Here is the place:

My issue is identical to this.

Thanks for reporting! We are actively looking into the issue. We will keep you guys posted. Thanks for your patience!


still BROKE

Is it for only that one game, or for all of your games?

not all of my places, but the two main games i been working on lately

Oh, okay. In my case, it crashes for all my games.

The Roblox administrator justified the Roblox staff team working on a fix for this, which did not mean that it got fixed yet.

I’m having a issues with Roblox Studio as well, when I launch a studio from the website it closes ones I launched from desktop, vice versa. It is always false updating when i launch studio in a different way. I recorded a quick video of it for anyone that is curious of what I mean.

I asked my friend to launch studio from the website and then from the desktop app, and he had no issues. I am asking some other dev friends to also do this but most are offline.

We’ve looked at the place files that had trouble opening and based on that disabled the offending feature. Things look good from our end now, if you were affected please confirm that the issue is gone.

Please note that this is strictly referring to the case where you had a place that you couldn’t open yesterday or today but that opened fine before. For example, @LaMonkie your issue looks completely unrelated - please post a separate report with that.