Roblox Player half-loading

Hi there! I am having an issue where Roblox games are only halfway loading. I am unsure why this is occurring, but it is a huge problem. According to a friend of mine who was in the recording uploaded, they do not have this issue but I do. This only started happening to me yesterday.

External Media

Expected behavior

I expect to load into the game and all textures and images to load in properly without issue.


Your video doesn’t show much here. What is expected to load in? Can you attach a screenshot of the expected behavior?

Sure! It is supposed to show textures arent loading.

Real textures: (From Studio)

It’s more than likely an internet issue. Can you say /console when this issue occurs and send a screenshot of what you see?

Yes let me try and join a game.

Seems to just show game-related things.

Internet shouldn’t be my issue because I have an ethernet connection and it seems like everything else works. Everything also still hasn’t loaded after like 15+ minutes of playtime.