Roblox Premium is here!

Will we still get additional exclusive items added into our inventories soon whenever we purchase any of the three tiers, like how Builders Club was originally?

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I disagree. When I bought OBC, part of what went into the decision was the fact that I had the only product with the ability to be in 100 groups and have 100 published places. There was no messaging to users that would indicate this would change.

Digital assets can’t be compared to physical assets like at Walmart. Anyone on any game would be upset if they paid extra for a set of features (especially for a year or lifetime) that then became offered for a lower price in a different tier of membership, essentially resulting in no differentiation at all between OBC and the other BCs besides robux amount.

We paid for access to features that were marketed as exclusive.


Agreed, when I spent roughly $130 on a year of OBC, I expected exclusive access to perks such as DevEx and a higher group limit. There was NO documentation of any changes listed anywhere that indicated people would be getting the same perks at a lower price before I made my purchase.


I understand where you’re coming from here, but why would it matter if other people would be able to access the same features? Why do they need to be exclusive? This new update helps new developers a lot.


Don’t count this on happening but since Premium hasn’t rolled out to everyone yet, there may be features that aren’t implemented for specific purchases. An example I said earlier was Roblox allowing a certain Premium rank to create UGC items. I highly doubt there wouldn’t be any perk to higher rank purchases if they all include a higher amount of robux each time

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So like the one last thing that OBC had over every one else is now gone. :confused:
I just renewed my OBC on September 11th, so when I roll over to premium I’m gonna get the Premium 2200 until next September. After that, I’ll be lowering down to Premium 450, as for the most part, my development & clothing gives me more R$ than the login stuff anyways. In a way, it feels like I’m getting a bit screwed, because now I’m getting pushed into a system where I personally feel I’m not getting my money’s worth, imo. I’m getting R$ for a year that I don’t particularly need & getting no benefits at all. My renewal could not come at a worse time.

I guess this is just the changing of the guard though. We went from a subscription model meant for developers (Builder’s Club) to something tailored to the average user. I’m sure their data models showed this was smart. Just possibly they didn’t think about how to do the roll-over in a more proper manner. (I.E. Giving users the choice of what they convert into…)


How was the flatrate of 2,200 robux calculated? Before the any change, OBC membership received upwards to 75 robux daily, and given a bonus for their loyalty on playing frequently. I checked my robux summary from last month, and I received 2,940 robux last month.

In doing the math, with this new standard:

2,200 robux / 30 days = 73.33 robux per day ~ 73 robux

Essentially there’s a lost of ~2 robux per day, or 50 every month (75 robux x 30 days = 2,250 robux per month), or 600 robux a year --that’s not already including any bonus awarded previously.

Given that we’re losing 600 a year, that’s 600 robux that could be well spent on something else rather than lost, especially with this 1 monthly payout. Or to put it in in perspective of ROBLOX’s term, we are losing out on over a month’s worth of premium 450 or a robux purchase of 440 at a value of 4.99.

That’s not to mention that I believe a monthly payout is a poorly flawed system attempting to manipulate users into waiting and spending their monthly payment all at once, and when it runs out, their hands are forced to buy more robux or wait for their next month payment.

When limiteds or hats with timers appear, this would be problematic for users, but for ROBLOX, it’s a means for them to have users purchase ROBUX rather than wait for their monthly payment or risk not being able to purchase the item simply b/c of the time frame or item running out.

All of this is very upsetting, as having purchased OBC lifetime, this change is removing what had set its memberships apart and discriminating it’s loyal player platform. First having endured low payments, to losing out on BC tier icons, losing on active places possible, and now losing out on group spaces.

Those standards were what set BC tiers apart and incentivized people to purchase them at a higher value for those specific benefits in believing that it was worthwhile for the cost.

Now that everyone can have 100 groups, 100 active places, the same icon, etc., it is a slap in the face for loyal players that are losing out on what they had purchased. I believe that to offset the balance, or process of switching over to premium, ROBLOX should be more considerate of compensating its loyal players on this platform.


I used to get 72 R$ per day as per 60 R$ + 12 R$ for the stipend from my old BC Bonus. (They stopped making the BC Bonus go up years ago. Any bonus you had going was from long ago.)

When they changed to premium I noticed the BC Bonus Stipend section went away from the money page. So when premium came into effect we were only going to make around 1800 per month. That’s why they did 2200 per month. You weren’t supposed to be making 2700 in the first place.

Lifetime BC was flawed from the start anyways and they did away with it when they figured out how massive of a problem it is. The fact that they didn’t use premium to wipe out all of the lifetime accounts is a godsend for those people. (I am not one of them.) So if you’re one of the lifetime people just be happy you’re not still paying a membership cost. Double down further and focus on development for money and that monthly income will become meaningless soon enough.


It still has not arrived in my country, and apparently it’s been out for months?
Crazy man, just crazy.


I have noticed with the Premium Purchase Screen there is no longer a way to access , Will there be a way to access this without typing in the URL with Roblox Premium?


Since the perks are all the same, and Im not a premium user / BC for the robux payed, I wanted the perks.


This is a great update, having access to DevEx for $5 now and being able to join and make a 100 groups is just awesome!


It does not state how many groups non-premium members will be able to join, I am unsure if it will or will not increase for non-premium users.


Does your upgrade page show Builder’s Club or Premium?

Roblox Premium is yet to be rolled out to everyone.

No. It’s only been out for a little over a month now.

Roblox seem to be prioritising the UK with rolling out Premium atm. It’ll probably be rolled out to the US, Canada and Western Europe before South Africa.


It would be helpful to have more details or clarifications on several points.

1. Revenue Sharing
What is the revenue sharing percentage for each of the three new tiers. For example, in the old OBC tier revenue sharing was 70/30 (Roblox gets 30% of game revenue).

2. Buying, Selling, Trading Items
Does this refer to buying, selling, and trading Limited/Limited U items? Or does this refer to something else?

3. Groups
I don’t quite understand why being able to create 100 groups is so popular. Realistically, how many groups does a single game developer usually create? (Maybe I am missing something.)

  1. It’s not changed. All levels of premium get 70/30 and free users get 70/30
  2. From what I’ve been able to tell, this is just referring to the buy/sell/trade perks that all levels of BC previously received.
  3. It was a joke. However, all tiers of premium can be in 100 groups (including groups you’ve created)

How does one get Premium do we need to buy BC first?

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You don’t need to have BC first to get premium as BC is getting removed and premium will be the new membership type. If you already have BC you will automatically get transferred over to premium and your remaining robux from your current BC subscription will be given to you in one full amount. You just need to wait for premium to become available in your region to be able to buy it.

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Builders Club didn’t last for just a month, there was a 2 day or so downtime after the renew date, so you would be able to continue to receive the benefits. Idk the exact number of days the renewal period is, but it doesn’t stop their with your daily robux or perks.


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Most of this is pretty exciting, but as the parent of 3 younger kids in BC I have a couple issues.

The first is basically seconding everyone else’s concern about receiving the Robux daily vs. one lump sum per month. Young kids have a low attention span and tend to jump from game to game. I know exactly how they will spend it, whatever game they happen to be playing the moment they notice they have Robux is the game ALL of it is going to. Right down until they can’t buy another item/perk/pass etc. That’s great for games that will be able to take advantage of this by frequently updating or otherwise drawing attention to themselves, not so much for the smaller dev teams that can’t keep pace. If it was spread out, then they’d be more likely to spend it in different games instead of one. I do see a positive in this as it means more competition but if Roblox became basically only 20 games by big dev teams then it’s not really Roblox anymore and what chance do we little devs have?

The second is a lot more niche but has resulted in me not buying them any Robux packages since August. I noticed back in August that the Robux packages rates changed. It looks like they stayed the same if you bought them and weren’t in BC, but the bonus Robux you get for being in BC has changed drastically. It used to start at an additional 13% bonus up to 56%!!..but now it’s capped out at 10% across the board. Not sure if other parents or kids would notice this change like I did but if they did, they’re probably not as apt to buy Robux packages like myself currently. Plus that benefit of having BC, or now Premium, is a lot less.

Old Rates
$ Non BC R$ BC R$ +%
$4.95 400 450 13%
$9.95 800 1,000 25%
$24.95 2,000 2,750 38%
$49.95 4,500 6,000 33%
$99.95 10,000 15,000 50%
$199.95 22,500 35,000 56%
New Rates
$ Non BC R$ BC R$ +%
$4.99 400 440 10%
$9.99 800 880 10%
$19.99 1,700 1,870 10%
$49.99 4,500 4,950 10%
$99.99 10,000 11,000 10%