Roblox Premium only features in-game

Hello, I am thinking about adding Roblox Premium only features that are cosmetic only, for example, Premium only items, and an XP boost. (as shown in image below)

“White Trail” under Premium is a placeholder


  1. Can increase earnings, which means more budget for development and marketing.


  1. It can annoy people (or even make them leave if they are critical about these things, like the gaming community)

Is that a bad idea/will players hate that? Should I make it also a gamepass for people who have Robux but not Premium?

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Hm, it depends on the demographic breakdown of your users. Are they mostly premium or are they mostly non-premium? If you think there will be some sort of profit incentive I would do this, but not to the detriment of your game’s general popularity.

There is not a clear yes or no answer because it depends on your game and it depends on how you want to monetize. Pros of doing this: You may turn premium users into “whales” (i.e. people who spend a lot in-game) and you might earn more from the new premium payouts (not much at all though). Cons: You may alienate the general user base and you might end up losing money by limiting in-game content progression for non-premium users.

Good luck deciding! :octopus:

I will make this in simplest terms as possible:
Do you want to make more robux to make more things in your game or do you want to make everything free for the people to sacrifice more things?

Also ps looking at Fornite and the image it looks like a Battle Pass gimmick

I will try looking at data from past testing sessions. Thank you for your reply.

I reduced the XP bonus, it really seemed way too high.

Coincidence? I think not. Heh.

Seriously, I was kind of annoyed by battle pass mechanics that alot of games have, but now I noticed that it is a great monetizations strategy - so I tried making it seem at least “battle-pass” as I could, and it should seem different in gameplay.