Roblox randomly stops replying to many support tickets

Recently, I have had problems with the Roblox Team skipping over my tickets or not responding at all. I didn’t know if this was a bug in the Roblox email system where they may be skipping over some tickets or if something else happened. I sent a email to the Copyright Agent email at and they responded with some more questions referring to my request. I responded with my answer and they still haven’t contacted me back after 5 days. Roblox has said they follow the DMCA rules which mean they have to respond in a timely manner. This is usually 24 hours, but they have stopped responding fully after sending the first email back to me. This is a big problem as I am trying to remove one of my assets from the Roblox platform. I was recently terminated on another account and I needed to remove some of my content from their website. I contacted via the support fourm and they keep responding with not helpful answers like, “We’re sorry but we’re unable to provide you with any further information or response regarding this inquiry. We encourage you to review the previous information sent to you as we have provided you with all that we can at this time.” I keep telling them I need these assets removed, but they don’t do it or they don’t respond. Hopefully, someone can help me with this issue.

Expected behavior

I expect for the Roblox Copyright and Support Team to respond to my emails in a timely manner and to not skip over them (on the copyright side of things).

A private message is associated with this bug report


Roblox support is being delayed for over a week now with my tickets and reports staying ignored

This is likely not a bug but more because of holidays but this is still a big issue since people can’t appeal after 30 days (or 6 months for EU Users) and support not repsonding could result them not getting their account back mostlikely

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They ignored some of my emails for MONTHS even before all these breaks. I think it is a bug.

Sometimes, if you spam report then it could be the reason of why their doing this if this didnt happen during events.

I experienced the same problem, I described it here No response from Roblox Appeal Team, how long did you wait for a response?. It’s very frustrating when you need help and feel unfairly treated and you get not only no help but no response at all. I was told in that thread that Roblox Support won’t respond until January 5th. Considering that I sent 2 messages one day, 2 hours apart, and the second message had a ticket number higher by 8,259, they’ll have a lot of messages to reply to when they get back to work.