Roblox Removed all my Onsale Models?

I tried sending a model to someone because they needed it, which was a model I have had created before-hand. But when they clicked the link they got a 404 error (which i did too).

When I went to search for my name in models I have zero models at all, which is weird because they weren’t deleted by moderation, because I would’ve gotten an email or message about them.

So why would they be gone or deleted? I am very confused at this.

Edit: I have just got my account back and I’ve tried seeing if the model was offsale, in which it was but when I try setting it back on sale, it just says “Something went wrong configuring the product Please try again later.”

Do they show up in Studio?

Another way of viewing your models in Roblox is by going to your inventory and going on to the model page. It should show all the models you made/own.

Also make sure you didn’t archive the model.

Yes, they show up in studio and in my inventory.

Alright I believe if you click on it in your inventory you should be able to configure it.


Alright it seems you are having the same problem as these people. It seems to be a bug on Roblox’s end. Can't distribute model to the public - #9 by EXPLOSION_KlNG

Model is now back up, I don’t know when it did but it is now.

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