"Roblox Research Panel" is Flawed

This doesn’t really fit in any #feature-requests category

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to make use of the research panel that many developers have been invited to seemingly in order to increase feedback throughout Roblox. This is because of 3 main issues, which I will discuss in this post:

The region lock:

The first issue I wish to address is the fact that only those currently living in the US may make use of the panel. This is most likely going to create some level of bias within the panel. While you may argue that there are a lot of different cultures spread between those in the US, it is also worth noting that majority tends to rule when it comes to research and feedback; so in this case, the focus group not being opened to all nationalities is hurtful to the overall objective of unbiased research. That fact of this being US-only makes it difficult for the research team to create a diverse and representative focus-group as they have locked themselves into only one country, albeit a diverse one. It is also disheartening to hear this from a company that has previously prided itself in respecting all cultures.

While I understand there may be legal issues blocking the use of international developers as part of the panel, I also wish to flag the following. Developers were not flagged of the fact that the panel is US-based only until after submitting the first question. This is what sickened me, the fact that the research team made me type out a whole response to one question only then to ask for my country and disregard my efforts there and then is absolutely unacceptable. The research team should have made efforts to either not send the email to non US-based developers or just make ‘state selection’ question 1.

The email:

I know this has been rectified since via a DevForum message, but I need to bring this up because this is the second time that the research team has used a sketchy email / website without prior notice. While I understand they may be outsourced and therefore not permitted to use @roblox.com. For developers’ security, they should be provided with an alternative, safer, and more verifiable form of contact, such as DevForum messages. Currently, the community needs to ask DevRel every single time an email goes out, which is super inefficient and ruins the whole point of a quick and fast communication stream.

The purpose:

The purpose of the panel is questionable. Due to the scale of the program (it was previously implied that this is a large scale panel, in comparison to other much more locked down programs), it’s unlikely that those within the panel will receive much information regarding large Roblox updates. It’s near impossible to provide NDAs to everyone within a large feedback program such as this, so it almost certainly isn’t for feedback on upcoming major features.

I have to question the purpose of the program. It seems as if the panel has been marketed as a sort of ticket to have Roblox listen to you, but this simply can’t be the case. With a panel this large, listening to each individual opinion becomes too difficult which overall just disappoints developers who expected just that.

Read the email, notice that it appears to promise a lot of stuff and also take notice of the fact that it rarely even mentions that you can be denied, this is heavily misleading and even if all the bullet points are followed through with (which I can only assume they will), developers who aren’t eligible will be left saddened that the research team apparently doesn’t care about their opinion. It’s hurtful that people will think this because I truly know that Roblox have always taken developer feedback to heart but the unfortunate reality is that the way this panel is currently set up will make people think this way.


If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because I could rest assured knowing that Roblox is making the best use of this program. As of currently, I unfortunately have no trust in this panel making any major difference to the platform. That is just due to the three factors mentioned above. I really wish to see this panel succeed, but I just can’t see that happening with how it is set up right now.


Agreed, the region lock was especially disappointing for me.


I would also add this to the list of problems:


Wanted to do the survey but couldn’t due to this. If you close the tab or refresh the page, you’re locked out even if you didn’t submit the form


This was due to the cookies of the page, you could clear your cookies to fix the issue. It was certainly an issue and one I forgot to mention. :sweat_smile:

You also couldn’t submit a response to question 1 that was longer than ~200 characters or it would freeze.


So the region lock is US only?


Yes, only US based Roblox developers are eligible to join the panel.


I had also received this email and a message through the forum from Roblox. Couldn’t go any further because of the lock when I closed the tab.


This is completely ridiculous, i hope they change the region lock in the future as i was very disappointed when i got denied just for not living in the USA.


Completely agree! Being denied simply for not living in the US was disheartening to say the least.


Most of my PM’s are moderation actions, and I am not invited to the roblox research panel, I do not live in US which is why I don’t get it


It’s quite strange – I received a PM saying that I had gotten the email, but it appears I never actually received the invitation via email. There should have been better planning in terms of announcements, and notifications should have been sent out before the email was actually dispatched.

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It’s quite hurtful that Roblox chose to go with a research panel only open to US residents. Roblox is a global company. A tremendous amount of the most passionate and vocal developers in the community come from outside of the US. Given all of the other issues related to this, overall the launch of this feels very sloppy and callous. :frowning:


Not to mention the fact that the website feels ancient, is poorly laid out, and is plastered with outdated images/marketing material.

I have a feeling this was done to “check the box” of not listening to feedback instead of any genuine desire to get feedback.


I agree with the points in this post. I really don’t get the point of this. These surveys should just be in the Roblox Surveys category like they used to be, so reasonably anyone can fill them out.

This program sounds pretty akin to other “research panels” that other businesses do, but this rollout is just pretty odd. I received a message about this on May 18th this year and never got an email, now or then. But, the survey link that round, never worked for me. This round, it seems they’re just emailing just about everyone in the DevForum, which makes me question, why not just use the category, once again.

At this scale, I have a feeling these gift cards are just going to promote lackluster responses to easily get gift cards and are likely the cause of the US region lock (other business research panels that I’ve experienced have the same type of rules if they give out gift cards, usually for income tax-related reasons). I think with that in mind, no one will manage to get their actual voice heard that way.


Funny you say this, this actually prompted major panic within the developer community (and I can only assume also the DevRel employees that had to deal with this) because the email used the 2017 Roblox logo making it look super suspicious.

Most certainly, the average user is just going to select whatever option is easiest. Compensation is something that has to be handled well. Other research programs I’m aware of handle compensation very well by only providing such compensation to those who are of expertise of the discussed topic and in many cases compensation is not discussed until after focus groups are selected therefore reducing poor quality responses.

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I was actually invited but never decided to do it. Honestly glad I didn’t… This website is an eyesore


My problem with the region locking is that there has to be a substantial part of their developer base in the EU and UK. I’m going to say at least 20%, but I dont have the figures.

The other issue is from what I’ve heard, asking for passwords on a site that isn’t domained under roblox.com has its own problems, remember the RDC leaks?


Tbh I didn’t even receive the email. Only a notification on devforum that I should get one LOL

Jeez, i was so late and didnt realise i got the email until 4 days but then got denied because as you said guys “its region locked in the us”


they also send this crap out to everyone regardless of region loooool