Roblox script only working in Alone Playtest, not in game or in Team Test

Here is the script that Is only working in Alone Playtest, and not in game or Team Test

local coinsProductIDs = 
		[1910234500] = 5,
		[1910234818] = 20,
		[1910281268] = 50,
		[1910281559] = 100,
		[1910281801] = 300,

local ToolProductIDs = 
		[1924377857] = game.ReplicatedStorage.RobuxTools["Robux Apple"],
		[1924532500] = game.ReplicatedStorage.RobuxTools["Robux Sword"],
		[1924591877] = game.ReplicatedStorage.RobuxTools["Robux Cola"],
		[1924616987] = game.ReplicatedStorage.RobuxTools["Robux Potion"],

local mps = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

mps.ProcessReceipt = function(purchaseInfo)
	local plrPurchased = game.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(purchaseInfo.PlayerId)

	if not plrPurchased then
		return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet

	-- Check if the purchased product is for coins
	for productID, coinsGiven in pairs(coinsProductIDs) do
		if purchaseInfo.ProductId == productID then
			plrPurchased.leaderstats.Gold.Value = plrPurchased.leaderstats.Gold.Value + coinsGiven
			game.ReplicatedStorage.BoughtGold:FireAllClients(plrPurchased.Name, coinsGiven)
			return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted

	-- Check if the purchased product is for a tool
	for productID, Tool in pairs(ToolProductIDs) do
		if purchaseInfo.ProductId == productID then
			local newTool = Tool:Clone()
			newTool.Parent = plrPurchased.Backpack
			game.ReplicatedStorage.BoughtGold:FireAllClients(plrPurchased.Name, Tool.Name)
			return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted

	-- Custom handling for product ID 1924701813
	if purchaseInfo.ProductId == 1924701813 then
		plrPurchased.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100
		return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted

	-- Custom handling for product ID 1924701658
	if purchaseInfo.ProductId == 1924701658 then
		local items = game.ReplicatedStorage.RobuxTools:GetChildren()
		local toolItems = {}

		for _, item in pairs(items) do
			if item:IsA("Tool") then
				table.insert(toolItems, item)

		if #toolItems > 0 then
			local randomTool = toolItems[math.random(1, #toolItems)]:Clone()
			randomTool.Parent = plrPurchased.Backpack

		return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted

	-- Custom handling for product ID 1924701121
	if purchaseInfo.ProductId == 1924701121 then
		local items = game.ReplicatedStorage.ChestTools:GetDescendants()
		local toolItems = {}

		for _, item in pairs(items) do
			if item:IsA("Tool") then
				table.insert(toolItems, item)

		if #toolItems > 0 then
			local randomTool = toolItems[math.random(1, #toolItems)]:Clone()
			randomTool.Parent = plrPurchased.Backpack

		return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted

	-- If the product is neither for coins, a tool, nor any of the custom products
	return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet

Thank you.

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It sounds like it may be a client/server replication error. Can you please specify the location of the script in the explorer, and what type of script it is (Localscript, Script, ModuleScript).

Yes, thanks for replying, it is a Script in serverscriptservice, not a localscript.

Ive tried adding prints, ive come to the conclusion that the “mps.ProcessReceipt = function(purchaseInfo)” part is just not functioning at all during a team test or actual game, but during a test it works.

It seems that this may be a long-lasting unresolved bug:
ProcessReceipt not working in Team Testing

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Oh my gosh, I just fixed it, it’s taken up my entire night dude, thanks so much, that thing you linked helped. Thanks.