Roblox Settings UI quality is affected by Game Graphics bar. (Slider)

When I launched roblox, after they announced they will be allowing Future lighting for mobile, everything apart from the top UI or Topbar, is insanely low quality.



This is the same on every game so far, and even reinstalling doesn’t work.

Expected behavior

It’s supposed to look high quality, not like a compressed mobile version that was transferred to PC

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I found out why. They made it so your own UI is connected to the Graphics Quality…

I’m on 1 bar on graphic compared to:

Compared to high graphics

Hello, does this issue still occur with Reduce Motion set to Off? Thanks!

Let me check really quickly for you.

No, it’s still affected by the Game Graphics.

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I am also experiencing this exact issue. It appears to only happen when “reduce motion” is on. I had “reduce motion” turned on, I turned it off and rejoined a game and the issue disappeared and the menu appeared normally.

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Thanks, I figured out how to reproduce the issue, we’ll take a look at it!


Hi folks! This bug is a duplicate of The InGameMenu UI appears dark with reduce motion enabled. I’ll copy my response there over here:


Small little thing with the fix, it’s still low quality for a split second when opening and closing, then goes back to high quality!