Roblox shows white screen when loading in game for a few seconds

  1. What do you want to achieve? Stop roblox from showing a white screen and stop lagging spiking when playing

  2. What is the issue? Roblox shows white screen for a few seconds then lags when loading in then lags sometimes when playing.
    Video for roblox test <-------Click me

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I have looked on the dev hub and and tutorials on youtube and they didn’t work, I am currently using the roblox app since the main app doesnt really work.


Did you tried reinstalling roblox client? Like full uninstall and install again. By “full uninstall” i mean that you need to go in %appdata% and other system folders and delete roblox. Thats also can be issue caused by other programms that opened when you start/launch roblox.

Thats also can be caused by ur 100% CPU usage in the video, its ok to have the white screen for like 0.1 second but the way long you have it isn’t normal

Also lag spikes sometimes cause the RAM, so i recommend you to test your pc and RAM in benchmark.

Yes I have tried to uninstall and reinstall it like you said

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I had everything closed out and just opened web broswer to open roblox, cpu was at 30% when roblox opened, roblox was below 2% most of the time the ram was also at 50% when apps were open

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Try testing your RAM, maybe its the reason? Otherwise i dont have any ideas

Can anyone else help with this issue, it happened when I just got win 11

might have something to do with your CPU usage being 100%…

As i said before, I tried with nothing open just the browser with only roblox web open and it still shows white screen with 30% cpu