0.655.418.6550036_20250117T023549Z_Player_F7293_last.log (56.9 KB)
0.658.341.6580020_20250117T023812Z_Player_E37C5_last.log (243.5 KB)
0.655.418.6550036_20250117T023549Z_Player_F7293_last.log (56.9 KB)
0.658.341.6580020_20250117T023812Z_Player_E37C5_last.log (243.5 KB)
Im not sure if the bug was fixed, but it no longer occurs on my end. At least thats based on the games i’ve been playing recently. If something comes up i’ll be sure to post my logs!
0.655.0.6551095_20250117T132207Z_Player_87B1B_last.log (195.9 KB)
Frontline: Karelia, 30 minutes. This game is probably why i came to this forum last year as due to disconnections you cannot receive your end of the round points and you subsequently cannot level up ingame or atleast it becomes much more difficult to do so. i decided to try the game out again this year.
0.655.0.6551095_20250117T193348Z_Player_E806A_last.log (211.1 KB)
0.655.0.6551095_20250117T193842Z_Player_03585_last.log (215.9 KB)
2 minute and 6 minute, didnt even get to do anything. most of it was spent walking or waiting before i disconnected.
0.658.341.6580020_20250118T125449Z_Player_2E968_last.log (629.0 KB)
This happened after about 30 minutes or so of gameplay.
0.658.341.6580020_20250118T125449Z_Player_2E968_last.log (1.3 MB)
This happened after about 20 minutes or so of gameplay.
I recently got errors on studio regarding “API Disabled in RCC Channel” which came from plugins. They were running just fine, and it seems to be only happening to plugins that made API requests to roblox endpoints (not 100% sure). I was wondering if the zphantomfreeze channel is the one causing it? I wasn’t able to find a solution in devforum
0.655.0.6551095_20250119T153912Z_Player_F5344_last.log (73.7 KB)
0.655.0.6551095_20250119T155016Z_Player_02046_last.log (106.5 KB)
Always 8 minutes. i can never find a game that scrapes 20 minutes these days.
Hmm, I did not enroll you in an RCC Channel, so I would think it unrelated (I did a Client channel)
However, just in case I will remove you from my beta channel since many other volunteers have sent me logs! Hopefully this unblocks you!
(you may need to restart Studio/Roblox)
Tomorrow, a new server release will contain changes based on what I have learned from the logs you guys have shared. Unfortunately it is not a fix, but it will help me gather more information as I narrow down the issue. Your logs have been invaluable. Thank you all!
I hope this is not too much of a invasive security question about Roblox inner-workings but,
could we know where the issue potentially lies?
We of course cannot see all the things that are going on inside the Roblox engine but I am actually pretty curious what happens under the hood and what could potentially result in connection or lag issues.
I also ask this to potentially gather more information about how games and remote events could be optimized.
(Might not be fully related but I just find that stuff super interesting, it took me quite a long time to figure out how much data a Vector3 uses for instance.)
Yeah, that seems to fix it — Thanks
I haven’t encountered the freeze bug again yet (maybe it’s experience specific?)
0.655.0.6551095_20250122T202633Z_Player_137AA_last.log (108.8 KB)
35 minutes, disconnected mid match.
This is rolled out Please feel free to DM me new logs whenever the issue occurs for you, especially if your log contains the “RakNetMissingPingPong” log
Thank you all!!
RobloxPlayerInstaller_47474.log (1.3 KB)
RobloxPlayerInstaller_DC550.log (4.4 KB)
0.658.341.6580020_20250124T183035Z_Player_4664F_last.log (136.4 KB)