Roblox Staff Stream this Wednesday: Track your funnels and economy with analytics

Hi creators, we recently launched new Economy and Funnel analytics and want to remind you that we’re hosting a staff stream this Wednesday at 10 am pst - sign up now!

Here’s why you should track these events in your experience:

  1. Find opportunities to grow faster. For example, tracking your onboarding funnel will help you improve new user retention which could also help your experience get discovered.
  2. Segment by age, gender, and other fields. These fields help you understand how different segments perform in your experience and are not available via 3rd party analytics.
  3. Track with a few lines of code for free.

To get started:

  1. Follow the step by step instructions in our documentation.
  2. If you have questions, just reply to our devforum post and join our live Q&A on Wednesday.

Creator Analytics team


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Can’t wait to hear what you guys have to say!


Just booked to see it :+1:

I really want to see this broadcast!!!


Should be written as ‘PDT’, not ‘PST’. We don’t observe standard time in July 2024.


That is very nice i like the roblox staff strea live :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

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