Roblox Studio Autocompletion has a 'Secret' item that appears to be some sort of table, but no documentation for it

Refer to the image below:

Roblox Studio autocomplete brings up a Secret item, but no documentation exists for it, not even a stub. Studio says it’s a global and it uses the property/variable icon, but it does not appear in either the LUA Gobals or the Roblox Globals documentation.

Page URL:
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The correct answer: If you knew what it was, it wouldn’t be a secret would it?

The other answer: I believe there was talk of some sort of “Secrets” type thing being implemented (for stuff like API keys and whatever that you wouldn’t want people seeing) and I’d imagine that’s related to it.

There’s also one that has the same typing, which is “File”.
I have no clue either way and i’m starting to think of something so obscure that only the developers know why it’s there in the first place.
"File" item

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I’ve seen File to, but I didn’t pursue it.

Secret is a newly added class, presumably for HTTP stuff.

And the answer for the File object could’ve been found within just 5 seconds of Googling:

Hey everyone. The Secret type is for an upcoming feature called SecretStore. This will let you manage and use private values like API keys in your usages of HTTPService.

For reference this is called out here: Creator Roadmap - RDC 2023 Update


Very well. As in my bug report, there’s no documentation about it, and I didn’t know what it was. Can a stub document be created so we don’t have this issue in the future? Perhaps add a link to the creator roadmap as well?

Thank you for responding.

As I said, I didn’t pursue it. I figured it was something that was added or is going to be removed from Studio and I was busy with other things. It’s just that the Secret thing jumped out at me and screamed for an investigation. Now that a Roblox staff member has responded with what it is and what it’s for, mystery solved.

Look for an announcement in the near future; it’s not released yet, but once it’s ready for prime time all the documentation and guides will come out.


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