Roblox Studio crashing while exporting meshes from Roblox

Hi this bug happens since Roblox attempted to move assets from the old library to the new fresh one (The one which doesn’t support extensions like BTRoblox).
And it’s currently very annoying to see its studio place crashing for that.
It happens randomly, some places always crash when I export meshes, others never happen.
I don’t know what’s happening…

(Fortunatately I lost nothing because Team Create/Collaboration was enabled! So I just to export a mesh by opening a second page on a baseplate! It may work!)

Also I’m lazy to make a second post but the Team Create window never refreshes itself, so when someone else leaves, the Team Create Windows still shows the person.

There seems to be BTRoblox support in the creator hub already (the explorer is something BTRoblox adds)

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Interesting I use the extension too but nothing appears on my side. Are we talking about the same new page made by Roblox?

Hey @Ryxku

We would require some log/dump files in order to find the root cause of the crash!

Please send them to @bug-files as described in the guideline above!

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Check if you have “Item Details” and “Show Explorer Button” enabled in your BTRoblox settings;

The Explorer button appears for me on, such as