I’m in need of help. Roblox Studio is not being cooperative in terms of rendering hats.
Here are the following.

I’m in need of help. Roblox Studio is not being cooperative in terms of rendering hats.
Here are the following.
What are you trying to do?
Could you explain more
I’m basically making a GFX and the textures doesn’t show up.
When you export the avatar it shows the texture for the hats there, try exporting the avatar the whole avatar then assigning the texture to the hats.
Not working, other models works but not the hats.
Wait so the textures show in Studio but not blender right?
Yes, that’s basically it. Once I export it the colors from roblox doesn’t apply in blender. It just turns white.
I understand the problem now, my ROBLOX Studio doesn’t export mesh textures.
You might have to save the texture of the hats as a separate texture, because unless they were exported with your Avatar’s texture, you don’t have them. .MTL files don’t actually contain texture data, they just contain information regarding how the textures should be applied to the .obj file.
I just did an experiment in studio. All of the community creation accessories’ texture shows blank.
Hi there, your comment helped a bit. usually my .MTL files doesn’t contain the textures anymore. I really don’t know what to do since I didn’t create these in ROBLOX so I couldn’t reapply it.
Try exporting the hats separately. (Edit) Don’t forget to join the hats after, to join all you need to do is select all the hats and click CTRL+J.
I did try this one earlier, didn’t work.
It should though, why it doesn’t? Show us an image of your viewport in rendered mode, and I might be able to help you.
This has just started happening to me and I have no idea why. It only happens with accessories and nothing I do fixes it.
Exporting seperately does not work, and no texture file is exported alongside the .obj file.
Really bugging me now, I’m trying to make a render here but I can’t do that with no hats.
Same issue here, It is not a blender problem, just a roblox studio problem. Exporting should export the hat textures as well, but I don’t get the hat textures. Very odd.
Hi kindly share your experience in this post Losing textures while exporting inside ROBLOX Studio