Roblox Studio Mod Manager

AppleBlox honestly sucks and feels like a virus. It constantly experiences memory leaks and will eat up all of your RAM and take all the GPU usage for itself. It doesn’t even benefit the app from this.

i’m actually working on my own fflag manager because there’s no reliable alternatives for macOS. (stay tuned if you want it). It’s almost at a releasable state.

Here’s what I’m working on :wink:


This sounds cool. I deleted AppleBlox because it got annoying to work with and didn’t accomplish what I wanted it to do. I resorted to just editing the FFlags manually and re-adding them every time Roblox updates. Used this method to test out the new occlusion culling.

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thanks for that :slight_smile:

If you wan’t to learn more you can join the server because development updates get posted here and you can get the app as soon as it’s ready.

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