Roblox Studio on the iPad Pro

roblox studio probably would never support any other platforms than pc


Sorry to bump in this topic, Since this was like 4 months ago. But anyways, There is a studio emulator by the same guy who made Growing Up!, Now. Onto this topic, Roblox Studio will probably not be able to run with your device if it is low-end or high-end, Whatever. But still, Models from the toolbox can cause glitchy issues with mobile itself. Including crashing it.

Sooooo… I kinda do not like to say this, But it is best to not release it on the iPad Pro

Maybe it would be a good idea only for iPad but phone I don’t know because the screen will be small.

Yeah, I already knew that one. (I think it’s called ‘Studio Lite’)
But there’s like a lot of other games that replicate ‘old roblox in roblox’ that has a studio place where you can edit your games. (like RetroStudio)

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roblox studio on console :+1:
roblox studio on mobile :+1:
roblox studio on ipad and tablet :+1:

cheaper costs for the device to run roblox studio :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

‘You reached your like limit. Try again in 15 hours’ (lol)

This is honestly what I want.

I want to be able to experiment with coding, without having to sit at my PC.

It would make Car Rides better lol.


so many ignorant people in this thread;

have you guys ever wondered what the UI would look like at a very small Screen???

In short: No, Roblox Studio won’t be on an IPad ever.
In other words: Just get a laptop, ipads are overpriced anyway


Honestly the power of it isn’t even the problem. Realistically you could run studio on a new iPhone. I think its mostly a matter of screen size and accessibility, not to mention how Studio works, I think it would be pretty difficult to bring over to the IOS platform. I think it could still be useful nonetheless.


Yes im on board! There’s times where it’s not possible to get on my PC and it would be nice to test something out.

I am aware of all the technical problems but if somehow it happened then I’d be on board with it

Would it be in the existing Roblox app? Or would it be in another app (most likely).

Many people have been saying it would be really hard to create such an app. I’m not saying it won’t be hard, it’ll definitely be hard. But is there any sort of limitations with Swift?

They’ve already previously created an app for Roblox Studio but if they were to bring that back they’d have to heavily revamp it prolly


hey I’d like to reflect on this feature request now that almost 4 years have passed (I was 15 when I made this post and now I am 19).

I no longer feel that an iPad Pro version of Roblox Studio would benefit developers. A touch display requires a very different user interface to a traditional computer due to fingers having less precision than a mouse cursor. Due to this I do not think it’s feasible for Roblox to create a version of Roblox Studio for the iPad Pro since an entirely new app would need to be created.


Probably on the roblox app, in the PC roblox app theres a ‘Roblox Studio’ button on the bottom part of the sidebar. (maybe would be on the right side of the bottom bar on mobile if this got added?) That would open studio but on the existing roblox app.