Roblox Tax on In-Experience Purchases

The Roblox Tax on all gamepasses, clothing items and developer products are 30%. Recently I have been donated a small amount of Robux through an experience, and noticed that the amount of robux I recieve is only roughly 55% of the price I set. This occurs on all purchases done in-game.
Now, this isn’t a problem by itself, but there is no documentation on marketplace tax change, additional taxes or other purchase-related changes (not that I found).
I don’t believe it’s a bug, since it occurs on all sales I recently made. Did roblox change tax rates without notice?


Do you own that experience or not?

I don’t own the experience. Truth to be told it is a “pls donate” style game

If your asset is purchased in an experience, the creator of said experience receives 10% of the purchase, leaving you with 60%.


I see. Mind sourcing me that info? I didn’t find anything about it.


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