We have a fall update for you guys!
First, if you’re interested the developers have a bit of a life update for you. We can post update videos on the first Thursday of each month, this is all on VVG’s instagram Virtual Valley Games on Instagram: "Hi guys, this is an update vid for VVG! Inyo and I will be officially moving to a bigger apartment, the "VVG dev space"! Currently we develop in a guest house my parents had invested in building in 2011 on their property near a university which I graduated from! I am also happy to announce Roblox DevEx has allowed me to pay back all my student loans last year, previously I had *barely* paid my way through school with it as well! 😅 This move is important to me mentally as I have not lived on a different property in my entire life except for 3 months in California for a Roblox Accelerator internship in 2016. However, VVG's early years would not have been possible without living in this guest house and I am grateful to my parents for the opportunity to 1) have a place so close to attend university 2) have taken just under 3 years after university to go all in on this dream to make games! This move symbolizes the next stage in VVG's development and we are just getting started in making our intense simulation games -Amaze"
Working telegraphs: Ability to change ship direction, funnel smoke direction, overboard momentum all follow suit. Though the iceberg will come no matter what
*You can make the ship go backwards (twitter)
*Movie maker works with XBoxOne or gamepads in general (tiktok)
*Private Server Controls work with XBoxOne (tiktok)
*Modern sinking theory only: Bridge wheel follows wheel house (twitter)
*Shows where friends are on the ship, while in lobby.
Shows which teleport they are nearest to, and allows you to find them before GUI disappears. Thanks Sezess
*Slows down character when in water / when getting more hypothermia - Sezess
*Splash effect when elevator floods - Sezess
*Renting ability added to lobby for First Class, Crew Member, or Captain
*Added First Class VIP room teleport to Crew Member VIP lobby
*Robux spent and Points spent leaderboards
*New setting option added for under water GUI (tiktok)
*New stats icon, toggle realistic water icon, toggle telegraph outlines
*Friend Admin GUI updated
*Fixed “Your Deaths” and “Your Survivals” Stat glitches
*Fixed zooming in on Xbox selecting random invisible buttons, causing you to not be able to move
*Fixed floating wheel problem
*Better Gamepad / XBoxOne support
V2.66 - 2.67
*Newspaper GUI by @Sezess ! Will put your Roblox name up if you survive
*You can swim with/against the wake now
*Glitch fix: *Using “N” to hide GUIs will no longer make the stair icons visible again when you unhide
*Glitch fix with Lifejacket / swim tool
*Glitch fix with terrain water
*Glitch fix while using hax that ruined water visibility
V2.70b Fixes:
*Private Server restart round: fixed bow wake visible glitch, fixed wrong telegraph starting rotation glitch
*Made bow wake transparent according to speed like the stern wake has always been
*HD Ship floating staircase meshs outside of the port side gone
V2.70c Fixes:
*Fixed floating telegraph problem on modern sinking method. Sadly you can’t move the telegraph while the ship is tilting, but once it stablizes, you can again!
*Fixed Robux amt display glitch that happened on the gamepass frame in the store GUI
*Fixed gamepad buttons being visible while using the renting GUIs on a computer
Last Update Log: