Roblox UGC Creators banned for Uploading Layered clothing such as holdable items

I think it’s time to revisit this idea


my account that I use to manage my group was terminated as a result of this issue, username on it is beebee4424


Smart to use an alt, crazy that creators even have to resort to such measures in the first place, imagine they don’t lift any bans after this and only the people who used alts make it out.


yeah, it’s very unfortunate. i lost a group to it


Man. Roblox some managed to delete their VERY OWN TOY CODE ITEM (Wings of Imagination).

Some people spent upwards of 200 dollars getting this item.
Good job roblox!


Not an engineer, but this is my view of what happened based on observations I’ve made over the past few months:

A moderation purge recently occurred where items that use certain techniques to achieve effects that are against Marketplace Policy were deleted, and each item that was deleted racked up one strike against the creators’ account. The assets deleted in this purge ranged from “orbiting” ones (those that float many studs away from your character, using clear exploits) to “holdable” items that, as you mentioned, aren’t too detrimental to gameplay. Something important to note, though, is that these kinds of purges use specific checks that happen on each item picked up to properly determine whether or not the makeup of the LC mesh is rule-breaking.

Each time an item is deleted, a strike is applied to the creator’s account. This continues up until account termination, but even 7 day bans, for example, require multiple warnings to be issued beforehand. This system actually works quite well for those who purposely upload exploitative content to the platform, punishing them both effectively and efficiently. However, it is a little unforgiving for those who didn’t have malicious intentions. Most users who were terminated as a result of this layered clothing purge, including the one you mentioned that had their account deleted, had previous infractions for creating items that blatantly infringed upon Roblox’s Marketplace Policy. In fact, the user you mention that had their account deleted was notorious for uploading game-breaking items, including:

This was all done whilst the creator knew their actions were against Marketplace Policy, so it astounds me how @missanthropologyst can continue to try and defend themselves stating their (second) account deletion was unfair. The stigma around these kinds of situations is quite interesting, though, because the average forummer won’t be aware that these kinds of users had broken all of these rules so many times and instead instantly shift to blaming it on “Roblox’s terrible moderation”. I can confirm this user was warned and even banned multiple times previously for uploading this content, and that they had their account deleted just days ago quite literally DUE to these items (later regaining access to it after appealing, extremely luckily). Mind you, the asset ID in their deletion notice leads to a box-shaped LC item which rest assured was something extremely malicious (likely invisibility, although I hadn’t tested this one myself prior to its deletion). I’m not saying all moderation infractions issued in this purge were valid and fair, but I don’t like how you imply this individual’s ban was unjust when they’ve quite literally been dedicating to uploading this content for months.

In future, I suggest looking into each developers’ upload history before adding them to your post and claiming they were incorrectly banned just to make your case look more extreme than it does. I’m using this user’s case to prove a summative point that the moderation system doesn’t randomly decide to delete an account every now and then. You quite specifically need to have multiple (often very valid) past infractions in order to get your account deleted. So whilst these account deletions you’re seeing might seem unfair at first glance and it’s second nature to instantly blame it on Roblox’s moderation system being incompetent, you need to look deeper into the issue at hand here.

There’s lots of cases I’ve seen today where accounts of groups dedicated to uploading exploitative UGC have been 100% justfully deleted as a result of this purge just ticking their account over the edge. Again, proving that these moderation infractions dished out in line with item deletions are not all bad, and do properly punish those with malicious intent.

Now, there are some account deletions here that were reasonably unfair, for example:

  • A user (I’m presuming this is what happened with the “adidas” account) uploaded multiple relatively harmless LC items (maybe holdable ones, ones that only make you slightly invisible, etc etc) and was not moderated for them at all UNTIL today, giving them no heads up or warning that the stuff they were uploading wasn’t allowed. Let’s say the adidas account had 5 or so violating items uploaded, and they were all instantly deleted at the same time in this one purge. These 5 items would each incur a new strike on the “adidas” account, and because 5 strikes is quite a lot, this is likely why the account was deleted. I cannot confirm this actually was the case with the “adidas” account, but it’s a suspicion I have considering the account belongs to a brand and wouldn’t go out of it’s way to upload violating content unlike some other users.
  • Another possible situation is that, for example, a user was dedicated to uploading “holdable” items, and had uploaded a few in the past, of which 2 or 3 had been deleted in prior purges. Let’s say the user received a warning, and one or two multi-day bans for these violations. The user is confused as to why their items were deleted because they’re unaware they’re not allowed and can’t find any articles clarifying this. The user continues uploading these items assuming they’ll be fine, to which another 3 or 4 get deleted in this most recent purge. These additional deletions pile up and lead to the user’s account being deleted for 6 or 7 repeated violations of the same rule. Now, in this situation you’d have to question whether the liability is on the user to assume “hm, maybe what I’m doing is against the rules” or whether Roblox should take liability for not properly informing the user these items are against the rules in their documentation (I agree the docs are a little unclear, and questionably labeled “best practices” rather than “rules/policies”).

If there’s any potential cases/situations I’ve missed here where moderation infractions could be unjust, let me know and I can add them.

If engineers do decide to take action on this report (which I’m hopeful they will!) I strongly encourage them to review each account deletion on a case-by-case basis, considering past infractions and the probable intentions behind each item moderated in both past and more recent purges that led up to these deletions. I suggest UGC creators use this situation as an early warning to not upload items you know violate Marketplace Policy just because they’re not patched out in validation just yet, as they’ll inevitably be deleted through purges just like this. These kinds of deletions have the reason “Misusing Roblox Systems”, which is not very forgiving, so I encourage everyone in this space to tread carefully. :grimacing:


i dont care about whatever i have left of my ego but i dont like being called a liar
so heres a handful of what did actually get me terminated as i dont have all the files for them anymore and cant be bothered to look

what got me termed last time were items using the invis glitch (like the classic dog 1 on my group rn, theres very specific directions to create the actual dog avatar) but i only used it because i have no idea how to make bundles (regardless it would be out of bounds) and i dont know how to do traditional layered clothing, part of the reason why i was banned was a single size glitch item yeah but it didnt do that much harm nor did it even last 2 days

do your research


Thanks for reporting! The team is currently looking into this issue.

Appreciate your patience as individual accounts and items are being reviewed :pray:

Update: Currently, a number of accounts have been restored including but not limited to adidas, akusesa, nightmodels, missanthropologyst, valk’s alt, creeper, beebee4424


I will say you should talk to the team at Roblox because for you guys to be allowing AI moderation to outright terminate peoples accounts without human interaction is ridiculous. A lot of people make some of their income and livings on Roblox. They should not have to contact you for false terminations from AI. I dont think the main people mentioned in this post were completely innocent however its crazy to let AI make decisions of that nature without human approval. People shouldnt have to worry 24/7 about false AI moderation, Roblox should have more care for their users. AI has wrongfully moderated me in many other ways before I got verified and its messed up.

Smaller moderation actions sure, but termination? That should have some kind of human intervention to prevent people losing everything they work hard for as a safety net due to the unreliability of AI.

Though its nice to see this is being looked into it doesnt excuse Roblox allowing AI to falsely terminate peoples accounts.


Thanks for your feedback!

While I can’t personally comment on how these accounts came to be moderated, we are well aware of the importance of both our platform to creators’ livelihoods, and creators to the Roblox ecosystem. It definitely would not be the same without your talent and creativity!!

Apologies for the disruption and please rest assured that the team is looking into preventing this from happening in the future.


I searched for each of the item IDs listed on the ban screen in the original post on the Rolimon’s website, and none of them were ‘holdable items.’ However, if there’s any clarification on this matter, I’d be happy to hear it. From the title alone, there already seems to be an inconsistency.

Another point I need to address is that these items actually violate the rules and should never have been allowed in the first place. Just because they’ve been available on the platform for an extended period doesn’t automatically mean they followed the rules or that the rules have changed recently.

These “clothing” items that make body parts invisible—essentially layered clothing exploits—do indeed abuse the platform’s systems. They allow users to completely remove their avatar and replace it with, for example, an animal figure or a random object of their choice. This exploit has been used by all the creators who were recently banned, and the ban reason was absolutely valid. Next time, when uploading layered clothing, creators should make items that genuinely add layers to the avatar (as the name ‘layered clothing’ implies) rather than exploiting the system to manipulate the avatar itself.

I don’t understand why people are trying to portray these items as innocent in the replies to this post. Please take a more objective approach. And no, items that partially or completely make body parts invisible (in other words, exploitative items) have never been allowed. I genuinely struggle to comprehend some of the replies in this post.

That said, there’s one area where I disagree with Roblox moderation: the handling of bans under the ‘Misusing Roblox Systems’ reason. This ban reason is treated differently from others and can lead directly to account deletion. Normally, with other ban reasons, once a ban is issued (e.g., a 1-day ban), any item that caused the ban and is later deleted does not escalate the ban or result in longer durations or account deletion. However, for the ‘Misusing Systems’ reason, moderation stacks up regardless of the circumstances. Your account can be deleted within seconds based on the number of deleted items, which is like a nightmare. I believe this is the main issue that needs to be addressed.

Otherwise, the items created by these banned creators are still rule-breaking and have always been against the rules. This wasn’t due to a ‘recent’ rule change; the same rule has been in place for years. The issue is simply that this specific ban reason operates differently, leading to sudden mass account deletions. If the moderation policies applied to other ban reasons were also applied here, this issue would be resolved.

Of course, if a creator repeatedly violates the rules, they’ll eventually have to say goodbye to their account. However, having it happen at lightning speed and all at once is an undesirable outcome.


Thank you for addressing this issue. Could you please look into the following creators who were terminated for using the auto-setup feature in Roblox Studio to create bundles? This would help clarify what happened in their cases, as it has created a lot of uncertainty among bundle creators;

I have refrained from using this tool after learning how the AI moderation affected them. Your clarification on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


My account is permanently deleted even for 8 items that were created and were not for sale, I could not archive them because it was impossible, could you review my account (Alfredo_EC), please?


FYI the item in your deletion note is an orbiting item that floats tens of studs away from your character, quite obviously intentionally uploaded using exploits that bypass the position bounds. If your account was to be restored that’d be quite absurd. Next time have a good think about whether or not it’s worth the risk uploading exploitative accessories to the catalog :pray:


I’d like to point out some layered clothing that is catered to blocky body type that also didn’t survive the whimsy of the AI moderation, I didn’t see anyone mention it so far.
Mostly you’ll find some of those on Rolimons’ deleted UGC page and items of my “community” are deleted. Hell, even some of the blocky clothing that Adidas published also got deleted and some other creators that made one too.

Here is also the LC from my group that is now appeared on the Rolimons’ deleted UGC.

@RosariaDev also got one of LC deleted.
(Here’s the link of her tweet)

I don’t even know what kind of bypassing for LC I’m making to begin with, but these aren’t fine now? so, IDK if they even gonna moderate all the other blocky clothing that still exist in the marketplace too.

While some other creators either got banned and/or notified about the item deletion, I didn’t even get any notify inbox messages, nor emails about items on my group was deleted to begin with. Even a guy that I hired to do uploading job didn’t get any notification of the item deleted also.


I was also affected by this tool.

It had a bug where you would hit the Set up button, it would publish a model under your account (easily visible by looking at the toolbox, my models tab in studio),

but you would get an HTTP Error: OK in the console, and the set-up would fail, however the basic mesh would still be published as a copy under your account

One of those many models that the avatar setup published under my account was struck by moderation as “Sexual Content” ; and there was no way of me appealing it, I tried explaining it in the ticket that it was one of many more identical models that were otherwise OK, but my appeal was still denied.

It’s a horrible thing that using a Studio feature can get your moderated without you being at fault.


I’m not exactly sure what’s wrong here, there could be a lot going on in the background, so I think it would be better for you to send an appeal and get your response that way.

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Hello All,

Just want to provide an update on this issue and apologize once again for all the confusion and headache caused to many of you :frowning:

There was a bug in our moderation system that incorrectly moderated a large number of assets in a short period of time causing additional bans including account terminations. The bug has been fixed and assets and accounts have been restored.

Please, post here and/or DM me if you are still affected by this issue.




Im not sure if anyone else had this issue however I was moderated again for a second time for things that were already moderated during the whole ban wave. Its affected 2 of my accounts and caused 1 of my accounts to loose its uploading perms.

I can provide more details about it privately.

Thank you,


Hey @shr2mp,

Please, DM me with additional information so I can follow up and help resolve this situation.
