Roblox Windows Crashes

On my home PC and my work PC, my Roblox client cannot stay open for more than 3-5 minutes.
This happens on Pet Simulator X and some other games. It is also happening for @CoderConner and @CoderJoey.
10 days ago my client has crashed 4 times, each within 3-10 minutes.
Still today my client does the same, crashes over and over within minutes.
I reinstalled multiple times and deleted the Roblox folder in AppData Local. No luck.
I have Windows 10 and well enough CPU and RAM. When I install the client it installs locally as “Roblox Player for Adam”
Thank you.

Expected behavior

The game should not crash. It keeps crashing when it should not.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Happens to me as well! Pet Sim X takes about 5 minutes to load and I have a decent PC. Idk if it’s me or if it’s Roblox.

Starting earlier today, my client is not opening up at all. It’s open for about 5-10 seconds then crashes without any error message.



Although I do not have this issue yet, I am aware of another thread that shows some possible fixes:

You should also try seeing if your PC has anything installed or running that can be considered a cheat or malware, since Byfron doesn’t like that very much.


Hello Adam,

We received the crash dump archive you sent to our NOC team ( ). The crash dump indicates that Hyperion crashed the player due to Badware. However, a regular crash dump does not contain enough information for us to determine the name of the offending process. It could be any software, ranging from seemingly harmless ones like Process Monitor to malicious software or even virus scanners.
If you don’t mind, could you send us an extended crash dump as descripted here: Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash - #113 by Bitdancer

Thank you for your understanding


Hello again Adam,

If ProcDump isn’t working for you, please try uninstalling it and instead enable full crash dumps through the Roblox crash handler. Here’s how:

  1. Create a file %LOCALAPPDATA%\Roblox\Versions\<your-current-client-version-here>\ClientSettings\ClientAppSettings.json.
  2. Open the newly created file and add the following line: { "DFIntWriteFullDmpPercent": 100 }.
  3. Restart the client and let it crash.

Please send the crash dump and any related log files through a private channel or direct message.

I’m looking forward to receiving your crash dump.

I am also experiencing this, however I am not 100% sure if my case is the same as yours.

My crashes consist of the Roblox Player just freezing up, with no “Not Responding” message or popup. It just freezes, and when I attempt to (for example) rescale the window, the client just disappears (closes).

Are you also experiencing the same thing, or should I look into my case a bit more and possibly write a seperate Engine Bug report?


Hey, yes ProcDump is not working based on the instructions above.The folder was empty after the crash.

After crashing with the ClientAppSettings set -

2023-05-07T04:59:36.759Z,0.759162,54fc,6 [FLog::Output] LoadClientSettingsFromLocal: "{ "DFIntWriteFullDmpPercent": 100 }"
2023-05-07T04:59:36.763Z,0.763201,54fc,6 [FLog::ClientRunInfo] RobloxGitHash: 6f090470c7ac493ef88cf9d686298b0dca19572a
2023-05-07T04:59:36.764Z,0.764211,54fc,6 [FLog::ClientRunInfo] The base url is
2023-05-07T04:59:36.764Z,0.764211,54fc,6 [FLog::ClientRunInfo] The channel is production
2023-05-07T04:59:36.768Z,0.768250,54fc,6 [FLog::Output] TaskSchedulerImpl::applyAsyncTaskThreadCount( 4 ) <req: 0 active: 0>
2023-05-07T04:59:36.771Z,0.771279,54fc,6 [FLog::Output] TaskSchedulerImpl::applyAsyncTaskThreadCount( 4 ) <req: 4 active: 4>
2023-05-07T04:59:36.797Z,0.797531,54fc,6 [FLog::Output] Loading AppSettings.xml from C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-dc61c2db7d694b7b\AppSettings.xml
2023-05-07T04:59:36.797Z,0.797531,9064,6 [FLog::Output] Thread with ID 36964 has stack range: 0000028C63F80000-0000028C63F91000
2023-05-07T04:59:36.797Z,0.797531,7694,6 [FLog::Output] Thread with ID 30356 has stack range: 0000028C63FE0000-0000028C63FF1000
2023-05-07T04:59:36.797Z,0.797531,0b18,6 [FLog::Output] Thread with ID 2840 has stack range: 0000028C63FA0000-0000028C63FB1000
2023-05-07T04:59:36.797Z,0.797531,8790,6 [FLog::Output] Thread with ID 34704 has stack range: 0000028C64000000-0000028C64011000
2023-05-07T04:59:36.797Z,0.797531,54fc,6 [FLog::Output] setAssetFolder content
2023-05-07T04:59:36.797Z,0.797531,2708,6 [FLog::Output] Thread with ID 9992 has stack range: 0000028C63FC0000-0000028C63FD1000
2023-05-07T04:59:36.797Z,0.797531,5344,6 [FLog::Output] Thread with ID 21316 has stack range: 0000028C65410000-0000028C65421000
2023-05-07T04:59:36.798Z,0.798541,1ac4,6 [FLog::Output] Thread with ID 6852 has stack range: 0000028C653F0000-0000028C65401000
2023-05-07T04:59:36.798Z,0.798541,0cd4,6 [FLog::Output] Thread with ID 3284 has stack range: 0000028C65430000-0000028C65441000
2023-05-07T04:59:36.799Z,0.799550,54fc,6 [FLog::Output] setExtraAssetFolder C:/Users\Adam\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-dc61c2db7d694b7b\ExtraContent
2023-05-07T04:59:36.800Z,0.800560,54fc,6 [FLog::Output] CrashReporter Start
2023-05-07T04:59:36.801Z,0.801570,54fc,6 [FLog::Output] The crash upload percentage is 10
2023-05-07T04:59:36.801Z,0.801570,54fc,6 [FLog::Output] Searching for and uploading crash dumps
2023-05-07T04:59:36.801Z,0.801570,54fc,6 [FLog::Output] the dump url: 
2023-05-07T04:59:36.801Z,0.801570,88e0,6 [FLog::Output] WatcherThread Started
2023-05-07T04:59:36.841Z,0.841854,54fc,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, internal browser session end
2023-05-07T04:59:37.183Z,1.183182,54fc,12 [DFLog::HttpTraceError] HttpResponse(#4 0000028C6418BD40) time:99.6ms (net:99.5ms callback:27.1ms timeInRetryQueue:0.0ms) error:9 message:HttpError: Aborted url:{ "" } ip: external:0 numberOfTimesRetried:0



Hi Adam,

Just to confirm my understanding, after removing ProcDump and changing the ClientAppSettings.json file, rerunning the Roblox player and had it crash, you did not get a crash dump either?

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Hello, how do you remove ProcDump?

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Hello Adam,

On the command prompt type procdump -u


Uninstalled it now. I saw the log dump disappear from /logs/ after the crash. I opened the /logs/archive/ folder and it appears to be in there instead. I am zipping it now and will send to you. Thank you.

We appreciate your patience. We are looking forward to analyzing the crash dump.

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Hello all,

The offending software was determined to be and will be whitelisted in the next Roblox release. We apologize for the inconvenience. This concludes our investigation, and unless there are other issues, I’m going to go ahead and close this ticket.

Best regards,


Thanks for letting us know! When can we expect this next update?

Barring any unforeseen delays, the upcoming release of the Roblox player has been scheduled for May 10, 2023.


Okay, thanks for the information! :smile:

May the staff whitelist some major recording softwares? One being bandicam that I use. Roblox crashes within 1 minute of me using this software :frowning: and this is the only game where the application suddenly crashes from using it. Other recording softwares i can’t use (due to my bad hardware) and can’t provide the same quality.


Hiya. Is there a trivial way I could figure out ‘offending’ programs from reading the crash dump?


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I can confirm this is fixed! Thank again for the report, @chickenputty.

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