Roblox's engine handles high mouse polling rates very poorly, mouse inputs lag behind rendering

W11, (currently unable to get driver version, will edit later if I remember)

The mice this happens on for me are the Sora V2 and GPX2. Issues are very noticable on 2000-8000 polling rate, and slightly noticeable at 1000, but it still functions worse above 125.

Issues for me mainly being camera lag and lower fames. If you do not notice any issues on 1khz, lower it to 125 and compare. Also, as stated above, this may appear/appear more noticable at extremely low/high fps, higher resolutions (or scalings), and in first person.

Issues seem to be more apparent in bigger games (try Hollowed, that’s where I first really noticed this, join in, finish the tutorial, and move your mouse around to see if it occurs. I tend to notice it in the starter village)

Also, sorry for the ping, but I remembered another topic that may provide you with more details and testing methods (I believe it’s the Ctrl + F6 menu):

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I have a similar issue, but not with the Roblox default camera it seems, as long as I don’t have Studio open. The issue shows with custom scripted camera controls. I use a Logitech G502. It seems like RenderStepped + GetMouseDelta() can cause this, if the framerate is not equal to 60 (above or under), and the pooling rate is above 125Hz.

Moving the mouse erratically for a while will cause the issue, as if the inputs are being queued, to the point even keyboard inputs are struggling to come through on time as well. There’s a thread here that talks about this issue, I also posted this information there as well: Significant input delay ( Camera Lag )

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That pretty much sums it up for me, actually! I don’t experience this with the default camera. It seems like it’s most noticeable when you use UserInputService.InputChanged and/or UserInputService:GetMouseDelta() with a custom camera, and your FPS is not 60.

Interesting. We just picked up a Pro X Superlight 2 Dex for testing and I was unable to reproduce issues with it in a few games, and that’s using it in the Wireless report rate of 8000 Hz and 2000 DPI.

Do you have any examples of experiences/games where this is most damaging?

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Not neccecarily, you can try Hollowed, complete the tutorial, and move your mouse around. You can also try The Strongest Battlegrounds, on high polling rates the mouse may lag in performanse-intense scenarios.

It also appears to be more common to me on unstable/fluctuating FPS, so maybe purposefully limit your FPS or set it to something higher than you can achieve consistently. For refrence, my FPS cap is set to 120.

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I ran around in Hollowed for a little bit with a 240 fps frame cap after the tutorial and wasn’t experiencing it; I’ll try maybe nerfing my graphics/cpu performance.

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Just curious, how much FPS do you qctually get with that cap? I doubt it would happen at fully stable high fps.

As for real games, this seems to happen when close to a lot of particle effects as well, so you can also join a TSB KJ server and use Collateral Ruin with your camera zoomed close to your avatar and this should also trigger the issue.

Stated above was a topic, which had more descriptions of the issue and a testing game attached that I can reproduce the issue in about 100% of the time.

  • Join
  • Look up until about the 60-80 fps range
    • Move Camera Around
    • Switch Polling Rate
    • Repeat

You should notice that the issue becomes close to nonexistent the lower you set your polling rate. This happens in normal games less frequently, however, it can still happen at very inconvenient times which can be the difference between winning and losing.

Also do note that some players are unable to lower polling rate to 1000 due to mouse software (and/or probably don’t even know what it is) so they’ll most likely just think “Roblox is laggy” or “Roblox gives me bad FPS.”

Some other information that I found in the topic that may be useful if you don’t want to read through it (may be outdated,):

  • Roblox Studio is affected by this issue.
  • The UWA version of Roblox may not be affected by this.
  • This seems to happen less in exclusive fullscreen. (Alt + Enter when FFlagHandleAltEnterFullscreenManually is set to False.) Exclusive fullscreen seems to lower overall input latency
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Okay, that did the trick I was able to reproduce non-responsiveness of the UI to my clicking. Only once I stopped moving the mouse around did it return back to 200-300 ms.

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