To reproduce, set your mouse’s polling rate to >250, the higher the worse the effects, the more demanding the game the worse the effects further.
At high polling rates, mouse inputs seem to bunch up and play out in sequence as the engine fails to keep up with the sheer volume of them per second. Keyboard inputs are also affected by this if a ton of mouse inputs are piled up.
The only workaround is to turn your mouse polling rate to <125, but this should not be the solution.
This issue happens every single time I forget to set my polling rate back down before I open Roblox.
Yes, I use an FPS unlocker. No, it does not change if I close it.
Something important to note, this does happen in other engines, it just takes different forms, and the manifestation on Roblox is especially bad.
This is probably an issue with your mouse driver. I keep my rate at 1000 and, for as long as 2 years since I’ve gotten this mouse with this configuration, I have had no issues:
However, I see the effects you’ve listed. This seems to happen randomly at times but after a few recent Windows Updates many of these report rate lag issues have been fixed for me.
This also was a bug for Low end PC, I was using MDTech mouse (Orange gaming) usually this wouldn’t be an issue to me and lasted for 4 months after they released a note, i at first thought it was a mouse but tried for another game like csgo also didn’t have this issue since my mouse doesn’t seem to have polling rate setting. (it does have it’s driver pre-installed but it only has DPI and color)
Switched to another Mouse and for now there’s no issue with my PC currently, it happens in one of my game before but hopefully this gets fixed soon
I just started getting this issue with a g502 after using a g920. My mouse turned off and back on, and I can no longer play Roblox without this issue. I have never had this issue until now (I’ve had the mouse for 3 years now and its always been on 1000 Hz)
I am also having this issue. Never had this issue for the past 10 years…
EDIT: Try unplugging and replugging the USB that the mouse is on. Make sure your USB port can handle your polling rate of your mouse. Try a 3.0 port with no hubs if possible.
I thought I was just seeing things but my Logitech G mouse with configurable polling rate makes the whole UI lag behind real bad, and I really can’t stand it anymore.
EDIT: This doesn’t seem to affect Roblox client, it only occurs for me in Roblox Studio.
Would like to bump this as it is still an active issue. I use a Logitech Pro X Superlight v1 at a polling rate of 1000 and get unbearable lag. While testing in studio, it seems to specifically happen when I am in first person. Dropping the polling rate to 500 lowers it and 250 seems completely smooth. Logitech software says that the firmware of my mouse is up-to-date.
This is still a recurring issue among many developers including myself. The engine struggles to keep up with modern mice with high polling/report rates.
My Logitech Hero 2 Superlight stutters greatly at 8000 Hz, with some stuttering even visible at 125 Hz. This issue is far more visible and annoying now that studio runs at a higher frame rate.
I have started experiencing this issue after upgrading from a resolution of 1920x1080 to 2560x1440 (max 111 fps with a 180hz monitor on full graphics in an average game) with a mouse report rate of 1000.
I have recently realized this applies to studio too:
This needs to be fixed ASAP. I’ve played games wondering why my camera was lagging and the fact that Roblox only supports 125hz is honestly abhorrent considering support for up to 8KHz, or 8000 polling rate, is included with almost every modern gaming mouse.
Even when not gaming, the default for most mice, such as office mice or cheap mice in general, is 1KHz, or 1000 polling rate.
This has been majorly affecting me in every single game I play, and has been affecting a lot of others on the forums too, evidently. If this were fixed it would tremendously improve the player experience.