Roblox's UGC future features and creator's opinion's/views

The recent changes in Roblox’s policies, specifically the introduction of monthly publishing limits, mandatory stock refills, and the premium-only requirement for existing creators, have sparked significant concern within the Roblox creator community. These changes are problematic for several reasons and may adversely affect many creators.

Financial Impact: Roblox creators already face a substantial revenue split, with Roblox taking 70% of the earnings from general items. The mandatory stock refill requirement further reduces creators’ earnings by an additional 15%. This means that creators are left with only 15% of their revenue, while Roblox retains a massive 85%~ish. This financial hit is particularly concerning for creators who rely on Roblox as a primary source of income, as it significantly limits their ability to generate sustainable revenue.

Exclusivity and Premium Requirement: The move to make premium the only option for existing creators to keep their items on sale is distressing. Forcing creators to pay a monthly premium fee of $10-15 (country-dependent) further eats into their already limited earnings. Many creators may find this additional cost burdensome, particularly if they have multiple items in their catalog. It essentially creates a paywall that restricts creators’ access to their own creations.

Lack of Creator Consultation: While Roblox claims to have gathered creator opinions, it appears that the majority of creators disagree with these changes. The lack of transparent communication and consultation with creators before implementing such significant policy shifts raises concerns about how much Roblox values its creators’ input and their financial well-being.

Impact on Smaller Creators: These changes disproportionately affect smaller creators who may not have the resources to sustain monthly premium payments or refill their stock regularly. It creates a barrier to entry for aspiring creators and may discourage new talent from joining the platform. As a result, the Roblox creator community may see a decline in diversity and innovation.

Favoring Corporate Interests: Some creators feel that these changes prioritize Roblox’s financial interests over those of its creators. With Roblox already earning a substantial cut of creator revenue, these new policies further tip the balance in favor of the platform. Creators argue that Roblox should focus on providing them with better support, resources, and opportunities to grow their businesses, rather than squeezing more revenue from them.

Summary: Roblox’s recent policy changes have raised significant concerns within the creator community due to their financial impact, exclusivity requirements, lack of creator consultation, and potential to harm smaller creators. The community is calling for a more balanced approach that considers the interests and livelihoods of creators alongside those of the platform itself. It remains to be seen whether Roblox will address these concerns and work collaboratively with its creators to find a more equitable solution.
(Include opinions of your owns, creators including)
Some good points/suggestions here too voiced by other creator’s Roblox needs to rethink UGC's future "features"


I agree with this entirely, this will be detrimental to everyone involved.

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