RoboVs is a work in progress roblox to discord voice chat! using this system you would be able to higher the level of the Roleplay in your server. As soon as you get close to someone in game the discord bot moves you and the other player to a channel for you to have a nice conversation! This project will eventually be open source for everyone to use and learn from!
How it works
Player gets near another player.
1. Checks if both players have RoboVS enabled. 2. Sends request to web server.
Web Server / Discord Bot
1. Recieves request. 2. Checks if both players are inside the discord server. 3. Checks if both players are in a voice channel. 4. Creates channel. (Can be hidden for normal discord members so your server stays clean.) 5. Moves both players inside channel.
I discontinued the project since ROBLOX is working on there own Voice Chat. I still have a older version which is completely useable it just won’t be updated.
Would probably work “better” if you made set zones.
Although proximity would be cool, I cant imagine a way where you would have 2 people just out of range of each other, and 1 person in between who can talk to both, and hear both, but those 2 cant hear or talk to each other.
ive thought about this sort of thing before myself, but theres a big problem for popular games.
discord has a limit to channels (500 believe) and, lets say if you had 100 active servers, and you had some sort of zone system like how Rylock said before with about 20 zones around the map, you would have 2000 zones all together, which means 2000 voice channels which discord will not like at all
This is a very neat concept that can be used as DIY voice chat. Are you using the discord.js library for this or are you going with a different language. I use discord.js for my discord bot’s language.
I do fear though that will get your discord bot banned (or temporary ban) due to the sheer amount of requests that are being sent to discord servers if you have a decent size player base.
Another question I have is where are you hosting your bot? I used to host all my bots on but their systems were very janky and wasn’t good for professional code editing. At the moment I have everything running my secondary pc (A server pc).
im unsure if you are able to create servers using bots, and id imagine discord would have some sort of rule against that
They dont enjoy people using webhooks for error reporting, so id imagine they wouldnt really like it if someone started making multiple discord servers constantly being filled with hundreds of voice channels.
But like I said this is just for large games. Maybe if you could only had it in VIP servers, and made it so that the VIP server owner could somehow use their own server to hold the channels that would be a good fix?
I will be open sourcing everything. So the server files can be downloaded. This will allow you to mak eyour own bot and give it your own name! I will maybe make a tutorial on how to host it with heroku!
You can’t make servers with a discord bot. What you can do is make multiple servers and switch to a different when de first is full. This requires all the players to join multiple servers. But you also can’t move players to voice channels in different servers.
A sollution to the channel limit would be checking if there is someone else in the region and if not put the player inside a “Alone” call where no one can talk.
Probably only sending the request when a new region is entered to keep the request low. But there ain’t a limit on the request able to be send. (Some free hosting sites may have it. As far as i know Heroku doesn’t.)
I actually made a test server where it can be tested as it is working! Still need to fine tune many things but the basis is there! Test it in my Discord server: Discord