RoboVs | Roblox Voice System

I don’t get what you mean by that?

I really hate to burst your bubble but roblox is already creating a in-game voice chat for users. Although this is a neat idea and could be useful up until the release of roblox’s VC system.
Good luck

Wow, I actually didn’t knew that! I hope they add the function to roblox. I also made this to learn both programming languages better and i think i did that.

So here are 4 zones for 4 different VCs within a map and between those maps are small red spaces where you wouldn’t be in a VC


Would very much recommend this, I’d like some alone time without being followed by a guy that blares loud annoying music into his mic and follows you into every channel zone.

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Yeah that’d be another problem, people abusing their mic perms and just blaring loud music or screaming or something

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I think this is violating roblox ToS.

Also, this game is removed by roblox:


While you may assume it is It really isn’t. How this is ran from roblox to discord. In order for it to even work the client needs to not only be in the discord but in a voice channel to be dragged from channel to channel as well. Another thing, Since this is ran mostly off discord and not giving a person’s voice in game but instead through a different 3rd party software roblox doesn’t really have a say in it. They do but they don’t at the same time.
Another thing, That voice chat system flamingo went over allowed kids under the age of 13 to use it. Discord doesn’t allow anyone under the age of 13. So if they are under the age of 13 using the system on discord and get into trouble that is entirely the child’s fault for using a program whilst knowing they aren’t supposed to use it.

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That is how i thought about it to. Since i am still working on this there will soon be a option to disable/enable it in game. This will allow the player to mute them selfs when someone is annoying them or if they don’t want to use the plugin.

This a nice idea but it think this will remove the aspect of being able to talk everywhere. Because when using the system in a rp game you can only talk in building/parking lots etc. On the side of the road this isn’t very effective.

Just a quick suggestion. You could have a set role for players that are currently in the game then role/unrole players as they join/leave. You could also add an option in-game to kick those who mic spam. I am a bit concerned that some players under 13 may register discord accounts to talk to people but I can’t think of a good way to prevent it. Anyways, seems like a really cool project! Can’t wait to see a finished version!

Edit 1: You probably shouldn’t automatically add/remove the role. You’re going to want to limit the amount of API requests.

I’m somewhat confused, is this voicechat for roblox?

Thanks for the suggestions! I will most surely take a look at those and see what other people think about it!

The discord link is expired, can you remake it ?

For everyone asking for a new Discord invite there isn’t gone be one. Since roblox is making their own voice chat i discontinued the project and deleted the discord.

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Is it possible that i can have the code to learn from it still?

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Where’s the proof of that? To my knowledge that’s a baseless theory that some people got confused after seeing the Voice Chat badge in Roblox files. (Which is for Xbox users).

Why are you throwing everything away in that case?
Why not share the system with us, regardless if Roblox will get their own voice chat system?

We can learn of it! :slight_smile:

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I would still continue the project due to the reason roblox hasn’t fully publicly released information about the voice chat system. And from our current point in time I’m sure it wont be out In at least a years time assuming its not gonna be on the 2021 roadmap.

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I actually forgot that the files where in the Discord. I now placed the link and tutorial in the main post! I hope you guys enjoy using it.