Robux are stuck in pending status for an absurd amount of time compared to before

The bug can be reproduced by selling avatar items and sales from avatar items will be stuck pending for an absurd amount of time compared to before. Whenever I get a sale it usually takes 7 days. However recently my pending funds have been rising but I am not getting the funds in my group as usual, only a small part of pending robux has been going to group funds and this means that my group earns very little despite high sales, and it also causes a constant rapid increase in pending robux, which doesn’t stop.

Bug characteristics

The pending robux has already reached astronomical amounts because it doesn’t have an outlet adequate to the volume of sales to flow to the group’s funds. Very little robux flows into group funds and it all still accumulates in pending robux that has no outlet for some strange reason.

Expected Behavior

I expect pending Robux to be done pending after a few days, now it is currently way over my usual pending Robux and it seems like it is stuck.

Actual Behavior

What happens when you usually get pending Robux is that it will un-pend into funds after a few days, normally 7 days. For almost a month, my group has been receiving only a small part of what it should and the rest of the sales revenue has been stuck in pending status. This means that the group earns little despite large sales, and pending robux accumulates very quickly and this process does not want to stop.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: beginning of November

More people noticed the same problem:


  1. The screenshot taken on November 17 at night:

  2. The screenshot taken on November 18 in the morning:

  3. The screenshot taken on November 19 in the morning:

The pending robux increased by over 10,000 compared to the last screenshot, sales of goods are even lower and the group only gained 1,782 robux.

The sales during the last 7 days:

The sales during the last 30 days:

Such high pending robux is not due to record sales (unfotunately), but to the fact that pending robux does not have a sufficient outlet and is blocked, it is like opening a door that is too small for the incoming crowd of people. This situation has been going on for almost half a month, so pending robux is very high and is still growing rapidly, and daily sales of good currently constitute only 14% of real daily sales presented in the charts in Dashboard. So I supposedly have a lot of sales but my group only gets a small percentage of it and the group sales are much lower than even the lowest sales in the last month.

  1. The screenshot taken on November 20 in the morning:

The pending robux increased by 16k compared to the last screenshot, the sales of goods are even lower.

  1. The screenshot taken on November 21 in the afternoon:

The pending robux increased by 15,021 compared to the last screenshot.

  1. The screenshot taken on November 22 in the afternoon (pending robux has already reached a quarter of a million and increased by 12,660 compared to the last screenshot):

  2. The screenshot taken on November 23 in the afternoon (pending robux has exceeded a quarter of a million and increased by 15 510 compared to the last screenshot):

  3. The screenshot taken on November 24 in the afternoon (pending robux has increased by 17 040 compared to the last screenshot):

  1. The screenshot taken on November 25 in the afternoon (pending robux has increased by 25 362 (!!!) compared to the last screenshot):

  1. The screenshot taken on November 26 in the afternoon (pending robux has increased by 24 396 (!!!) compared to the last screenshot):

  2. The screenshot taken on December 2 in the afternoon:

The screenshot taken the same day after a few hours, pending robux increased by 17k after a few hours, something is very wrong:

  1. The screenshot taken on December 3 in the morning:

    Pending robux increased by 15k in 12 hours!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!


Thank you very much! The situation is frustrating for me because for almost a month I have been receiving only about 20% of what I should.


I am also experiencing this issue. My pending is usually hovering around R$120k at any given time, and I typically bring in R$25k per day.

About 3 weeks ago it started to only let in R$5k per day, and my pending is now well into the R$400k region.

I use devex to pay student expenses, so this is a very serious issue for me.


I hope this will be fixed quickly, but unfortunately this situation has been going on for almost a month now (3 weeks as you mentioned). I also use Devex and I need both robux and money for various fees so this situation is very frustrating for me.


Absolutely, me as well. The holidays certainly didnt help this get resolved any sooner.

@Focia19 I hate to pester developers, as it’s a busy holiday rush upcoming and I can understand some delays. However, is there any way this can be pushed forward on the priority list since it’s such an impactful issue?


I believe it is intended for the avatar item escrow period to be increased, I believe it is 30 days now.

1 Like

Thank you for your answer. Where did Roblox announce this? When I hover my mouse over pending robux, I still see this information:
pending robux
and “a few” is generally considered to mean between two and several, not a month. Pending robux has already reached 355k and is still growing, In a few days I can completed another DevEx request but few funds have flowed into group funds this month.


This was first mentioned here, unsure why it took so long to implement if so, but 30-days certainly isn’t too far-fatched according to this.


So it means that those who copy limited items will not receive robux from them when these items are removed within a month. Of course I understand it, but I don’t understand what selling 2D clothes has to do with it, but probably this system now works for all items sold on this platform. So all I have to do is wait and see if everything will be back to normal in a few days (soon it will be a month) because I understand that then the robux inflows to the group should be continuous again, these will be inflows from 30 days ago but logically everything should return to normal. But it was announced 1.5 years ago. Has this just been introduced now?


Hey @DanBuildsTrains

I have raised the priority on our internal ticket, but from now on, it’s on the engineers’ side to fix the issue!
From what I know, it’s currently being investigated!


I am experiencing the same issue for my avatar/catalog game. I opened a separate ticket Group Payouts are missing 30% of In-Experience Avatar/UGC commissions

Approximately 30% of my earned revenue is not accruing to my group.


This seems to have been addressed here:


Fantastic! I very much appreciate it :pray:

1 Like

Great news, thank you so much!


Glad to hear there’s a fix soon :smiley:
I had this issue happening too with a few of my limited items

items are on a different page but as seen in here, the items sold before finished pending

if this helps the engineers, here’s the item links:

I heard about this bug from a few people:

  • SpiritualWarriorr
  • Lizarus_Naga
  • Jason_Nike
  • MadNutria

they had a similar issue so if this post helps the engineers take a look into the items that have issues, i’m gonna leave it right here. Hopefully this can be fixed :pray:


Is the situation better for you? In my group, pending robux is still growing, maybe a little slower than before, but still growing significantly. Yesterday, sales of goods amounted to only 30% of real sales presented in Dashboard Analytics and pending robux has already reached 422k (so it increased by around 100k in the last 6 days) and is still growing, robux reach the group funds very slowly.

This month I can cash out through Devex only 30% of what I usually cashed out and that’s not enough for me. I didn’t quite understand whether the situation should improve now or in 30 days.

edit: pending robux increased today by 17k after a few hours, something is very wrong:


Pending robux increased by 15k in the last 12 hours (I updated the first post):

Do you still have the same problem? The time has come when I can cash out through Devex and unfortunately it is so little compared to the previous months, too little (despite higher sales). Should there be improvement only after 30 days because I didn’t really understand it?


looks pretty much identical on my end as well.


Today the situation looks much better, finally the sales of goods have increased and pending robux has increased only slightly compared to what has happened so far. Maybe it’s just that a month has passed and now the whole process has regained continuity, I hope so!