RocketApps | Free Bot API

RocketApp’s is well known for it’s application services.

However, it provides much more than that. Did you know we had a free nonlimited group API available for the bots that you already provide for your application centers? Well surprise, if you didn’t know we do allow you to use our APIs to do the following:

Get/manage join requests, shout, message users [we do monitor this for abuse], rank user, and exile user. Basically, the basics that you need!

We make it really easy to do so, simply set your bot up like the video displays here: you can stop where I start setting up the application center.

Please note, you should create an actual bot account, and give it it’s own roles where it only has the bare permissions to do what you want it to do. Always exercise the principles of least access!

Once you link the bottom, at the bottom of your page all you do is press the “here” in " RocketPanel also allows you to use your bots through our API. View the API here". You’ll have to create a team in order to use this, so don’t forget that!

Our website can be found at


Woah! This is very good. I thought the myCenter would be enough but this is way more useful! Great job!

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Dude, finally! I was looking for a way to do this everywhere! I was finally able to fix my group’s verification system AND add an auto-ranking system to my game Bus Simulator really easily with the API. No longer do I have to have my friends (who i appreciate very dearly) manually verify people (in their own free-time) in my group- just let robots do the work for me. This is actually a really great service for the price of free. Definitely recommend it!


Hey, I have been checking around, does rocketapps have an API to connect either to roblox or an external application for rank changing on request? I’m trying to do an automatized system that gives out suspensions and removes them on time most probably with self hosting but I couldn’t find any official roblox API to change ranks without paid external pages. Thanks.

Yes, we do! We made a specific forum post about this:

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions!

(Also, the url changed to :wink: )

I’m so glad you had a positive experience with us! Thank you for your feedback!

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Sorry but the website doesnt work anymore did you change the website link or removed it?

The link changed to

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