RoCurve - Create Smooth Part Curves

When I saw the name “Rocurve”
I thought it would be something else…

  1. List item

Edit: if you don’t get this you most likely aren’t 13+


Like what? It isn’t a very creative name😅 I just thought of “Ro” (Roblox), and since it generates curves, “Curve”. Then, I smashed it together.

@Crazedbrick1 Just what we needed it the most. :partying_face: (or just me… lol)


I suggest you should form the starting point of the curve like this. (Images from this post.)

Intersection point:

Final point:

I think it would be a great improvement for someone trying to make a simple curve without messing about with the point thing, and it would also look really clean and even.

Other than that, the plugin looks great, its really helpful and easy to use. Good job :+1:


Thanks for the suggestion! I will update it to do this, I just have to work out some of the math. This plugin is only 2 days old, there are still a few things I’m fixing😅

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in just two days this is like the new best plugin


Cool! I’ll try this sometimes and it seems useful!


When generating a curve, the folder has a part named “part” that looks like it’s in the void when I move to it.

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Tada! I made a water cup with the plugin lol

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I also made the St. Louis Arch (it has 63 parts to make the curve)

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Thanks for letting me know of that glitch! I’ll look into it, thanks!

@camomileex0, looks good :sunglasses:

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No one asked, but I made a UI concept for your plugin. Feel free to use it if you like it, but I don’t mind if you don’t. The UI isn’t completely even and all that, but I think it looks good enough.


This is what it looks like. It has the start and end selection, segments, and done buttons. The segments and done buttons are self explanatory, so let me explain the start and end selection.

Explaination of Start and End Selection

It starts out being empty when not selected, and looks like this.

Empty Stage

This prompts the user that no part has been selected. When the user wants to select a part, they click into the box, which notifies them by the image ID changing to intermediate stage.

Intermediate Stage

In this intermediate stage, it lets the user know that they need to select a part. Then, when they select a part, the image ID changes to the selected stage.

Selected Stage

This lets the user know that the selection has been completed and is ready to go. If they choose to select a different part instead, I would recommend when they click on it, it returns to the intermediate stage, then back to the checked stage once another part is selected.

If you’re wondering if the icons are safe to use, they’re material icons from Google and are free for everyone to use.

If you take a liking to my design, you can go ahead and grab it down below. No credit is needed, I just thought the UI needs a little more love. :smile:

I know you’re working on some bug fixes and all that, so don’t be pressured to work and take your time. I’m just really excited about this plugin you’ve made. It’s a game changer for me. Its amazing. :pleading_face:

RoCurve_UI_Concept.rbxm (8.4 KB)


are we doing ui challenges bc i wanna make a ui too i have nothing to do this weekend


Go ahead, knock yourself out, lol. I think I’d be cool to see other concept designs


I’m so happy that this plugin is useful (I thought it would be a flop, or it would serve no purpose). The UI definitely needs more love. I love your concept images, I am going to shift the design more toward them. Thanks for the ideas!

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can’t you just use his designs ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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I think his designs are great, I’m looking more into them now :slight_smile:


I’m loving your guis :slight_smile:

My guis always need more love😂 (Check out any of my games and you’ll see that). Seriously though, thanks for your UI design, it looks spicy🔥
Of course I’ll give you credit, it’s your ui design, not mine.


Wow! Thats some heat. :fire: Looks awesome. Glad I could help! :smile:

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amazing I really love this and it will be helpful with hard curved objects

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